A magnetic field optimized structure electromagnetic acoustic transducer design
投稿时间:2023-09-11  修订日期:2024-03-05
      In order to further enhance the detection capability of electromagnetic ultrasonic testing technology in the field of pipe thickness measurement, the structure of electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer (EMAT) is optimized in this paper. A multi-magnet symmetric distribution type EMAT is proposed, which can realize a smaller magnet volume to produce a stronger surface remanent magnetic strength. The influence of eddy currents on the measurement is solved by using slots on the surface of silicon steel to limit the area of eddy current formation. Establishment of thickness measurement experimental system, compared with a single magnet type and multi-magnet symmetric distribution type EMAT in different lifting distance on the change rule of the detection signal. The results show that multi-magnet symmetric distribution type structure can be enhanced through the EMAT bias field to achieve a better signal-to-noise ratio effect. The use of high-temperature resistant probe shell and samarium cobalt magnets improves the detection performance of EMAT probe in high temperature environment.
中文关键词: 电磁超声换能器、厚度测量、高温
英文关键词: Electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer  Thickness measurement  High temperature
苟浩瑞 四川大学 993364137@qq.com 
杜昱錡 四川大学 395484690@qq.com 
王思宇 四川大学 676178685@qq.com 
钟涛 四川大学 zacharyzt@foxmail.com 
甘芳吉* 四川大学 gfj0318@foxmail.com 
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