Radiation noise measurement system of bottom-mounted vector hydrophone array
投稿时间:2023-09-13  修订日期:2024-12-25
      Vector hydrophones can simultaneously measure the orthogonal components of sound pressure and particle velocity in a sound field. They demonstrate frequency-independent dipole directivity, which is advantageous for small-scale vector hydrophone arrays in achieving higher spatial gain and accurately measuring low-frequency and low-radiation noise from the target. This article addresses the need for measuring low-frequency radiation noise from silent underwater vehicles through theoretical analysis and simulation calculations. It also presents the design of a rigid-bottom-mounted vector hydrophone array system specifically tailored for low-frequency radiation noise measurement, considering the practical application of measuring low-radiation noise from small-sized underwater targets. The system achieved synchronized acquisition, storage, and real-time transmission of underwater target radiation noise data. The performance of the measurement system was preliminarily evaluated in Qiandao Lake, demonstrating superior directivity and near-field focusing capabilities when compared to the sound pressure array with the same aperture. Additionally, it showcased enhanced spatial gain and exhibited apparent advantages for practical engineering applications in measuring low-frequency radiation noise from underwater targets.
中文关键词: 辐射噪声 矢量水听器阵 测量系统 空间增益
英文关键词: Radiation noise Vector hydrophone array Measurement system Spatial gain
胡园* 中国科学院声学研究所 huyuan@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
李天星 中国科学院声学研究所 litianxing@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
曹建国 中国科学院声学研究所 caojg@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
郭龙翔 哈尔滨工程大学 heu503@hrbeu.edu.cn 
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