Effects of Different Frequencies of Natural Sounds in Forest Parks on Human Electroencephalogram
投稿时间:2023-09-17  修订日期:2024-12-25
      Natural sounds in forest parks are of great significance to human physical and mental health. Frequency, one of the critical physical parameters of natural sounds, is related to their tonal characteristics and timbre quality. This study took 18 major natural sounds in the forest parks of Henan Province as samples, using electroencephalography (EEG) to measure the changes in the amplitudes of six types of brainwaves in sixteen channels of the four major brain regions. It analyzed the human brain's physiological responses to the stimulation of natural sounds at different frequencies. The results showed that natural sounds of varying frequencies have vital effects on human perception and physiology, with differences in helping people to relieve stress, enhance the sense of security and pleasure. Natural sounds within frequency ranges of 1~2kHz, 2~3kHz and 4~5kHz have a significant effect on increasing pleasure, reducing fatigue, and relaxing mood. However, natural sounds at frequencies of 0.01~1kHz and 6~7kHz often bring negative impacts. This study revealed the differences in the effects of natural sounds of different frequencies on human brain physiology, providing data support for the soundscape planning and design as well as improving visitors' experience in forest parks.
中文关键词: 森林公园  自然声  频率  脑电波
英文关键词: Forest Park  Natural sounds  Frequency  Brain wave
基金项目:吉林省绿地景观与功能开发科技创新中心“森林公园声景评价与设计机理研究”(BHPTJS202230-1),中国科技部基础科技资源专项调查计划(2021FY100802-04),北华大学研究生创新计划项目吉林省森林公园自然声景的脑电测定研究 北华研创合字 [2022] 050号)。
回腾飞 北华大学林学院 564813035@qq.com 
张洁* 北华大学林学院 zhangjie0421@beihua.edu.cn 
祝爱昀 北华大学林学院 1806835322@qq.com 
左晶 北华大学林学院 2960950390@qq.com 
宋时屿 北华大学林学院 1839091883@qq.com 
郭梦媛 北华大学林学院 1492008764@qq.com 
毛爱欣 北华大学林学院 1159110687@qq.com 
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