An annular array based platform for High-precision low-volume acoustic liquid transfer
投稿时间:2023-09-22  修订日期:2024-12-26
      Non-contact ultrasonic liquid handling technology has great potential applications in biomedical fields such as drug development, synthetic biology, and molecular diagnostics. Currently, single-element focused transducer has been widely used in the ultrasonic liquid handling technology due to its advantages of simple fabrication process and high energy output. However, the single-element transducer-based ultrasonic liquid handling method requires mechanical movement of the transducer to achieve transfer of liquids at different heights due to the fixed focal length of the transducer, resulting in low efficiency and low throughput. An annular array transducer can dynamically adjust the focus along the axial direction using electronic focusing, which overcomes the drawback of the fixed focal length of single-element transducer and is expected to improve the efficiency of ultrasonic liquid handling. Therefore, in this study, we designed and fabricated a five-channel high-precision ultrasound signal transmission system based on FPGA, and built a high-precision ultrasound liquid handling platform with a custom-designed five-element ultrasonic transducer. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed liquid handling strategy can achieve dynamic and precise adjustment of ultrasound focus, and accurately transfer nanoliter-level liquid droplets at different focal lengths, improving the efficiency and throughput of ultrasonic liquid handling. It shows significant application value and promising prospects.
中文关键词: 电子聚焦,环阵超声换能器,FPGA,超声移液
英文关键词: Electronic Focusing, Annular array, FPGA, Acoustic Liquid Transfer
张扬 南华大学电气工程学院 y.zhang10@siat.ac.cn 
黄友塔 深圳大学医学部生物医学工程学院 yt.huang@siat.ac.cn 
王彦 南华大学电气工程学院 wangyan5406@163.com 
张志强 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,生物医学与健康工程研究所 zq.zhang@siat.ac.cn 
于妍妍 深圳大学医学部生物医学工程学院 yy.yu@szu.edu.cn 
邱维宝* 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,生物医学与健康工程研究所 wb.qiu@siat.ac.cn 
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