Impact of GIS-supported three-dimensional urban building patterns on road traffic noise
投稿时间:2024-04-07  修订日期:2024-09-03
      道路交通噪声具有极强的时空特征。该文基于地理信息角度,选取西南城市某复杂环线道路为研究对象,构建环线道路交通噪声地理信息系统(GIS)预测系统,通过相关性分析和构建地理加权回归模型探究城市三维建筑格局与道路交通噪声污染的关系。结果表明:环线道路交通噪声GIS预测结果符合正态分布,预测值与实测值之间不存在显著性差异,预测误差可控。街区网格最小研究单元内,平均GIS预测值(Ave_GIS)解释变量为建筑物平均周长(Ave_C)、建筑基底面积与总用地面积的比值(BCR),平均投诉密度(Ave_TSMD)解释变量为高度>24 m 的建筑物所占的比例(HBR)、高度>24 m 的建筑物数量总和(NHB)和所有建筑中最大高度与最小高度差(LHR)。地理加权回归拟合效果优于普通最小二乘法,不同三维建筑格局要素对Ave_GIS和Ave_TSMD两种噪声污染指数空间影响分布均存在不均衡性,相关影响作用BCR>Ave_C;NHB>LHR>HBR。在分析影响程度及原因后对城市道路交通噪声防治提出相关建议以降低噪声污染影响,提高人居环境质量。
      Road traffic noise has strong spatial and temporal characteristics. Based on geographic information perspective, this paper selects a complex ring road in southwest city as the research object, constructs a geographic information system (GIS) prediction system for ring road traffic noise, and explores the relationship between urban three-dimensional architectural pattern and road traffic noise pollution through correlation analysis and construction of geographically weighted regression (GWR) model. The results show that the GIS prediction results of ring road traffic noise conform to normal distribution, and there is no significant difference between the predicted and measured values, and the prediction error is controllable. Within the smallest study cell of the neighborhood grid, the average GIS prediction (Ave_GIS) explanatory variables were the average perimeter of buildings (Ave_C), the ratio of building footprint to total site area (BCR), and the average complaint density (Ave_TSMD) explanatory variables were the proportion of buildings with heights >24 m (HBR), the sum of the number of buildings with heights >24 m (NHB ) and the difference between the maximum and minimum height of all buildings (LHR).. Geographically weighted regression fits better than ordinary least squares, , and the distribution of spatial impacts of different 3D building pattern elements on both noise pollution indices of Ave_GIS and Ave_TSMD was uneven, with the related impacts BCR>Ave_C; NHB>LHR>HBR. After analyzing the degree of influence and the reasons, we put forward relevant suggestions for urban road traffic noise prevention and control in order to reduce the impact of noise pollution and improve the quality of human environment.
中文关键词: 三维建筑格局  道路交通噪声  模拟预测  地理加权回归。
英文关键词: 3D building pattern  Road traffic noise  Simulation prediction  Geographically weighted regression
李静文 成都市环境保护科学研究院,四川省国土空间生态修复与地质灾害防治研究院 714001372@qq.com 
王亚婷* 成都市环境保护科学研究院 wangyt@cdaes.org.cn 
张韬 成都市环境保护科学研究院 16198900@qq.com 
廖明旭 成都市环境保护科学研究院 243047588@qq.com 
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