王君,孟腾飞,周培根,于海洋,曹 玉.声表面波芯片晶圆级封装技术[J].,2025,44(1):75-79 |
声表面波芯片晶圆级封装技术 |
Wafer level chip size packing technology of surface acoustic wave chip |
投稿时间:2024-05-30 修订日期:2024-12-25 |
中文摘要: |
为解决声表面波滤波器无法实现系统级封装和高密度系统集成的问题,制作出可保护图形且封装尺寸小的滤波器,该文研究声表面波芯片的晶圆级先进封装技术。针对声表面波滤波器本身特性,提出技术方案并通过实验验证方案的可行性,并制作出晶圆级封装的声表面波芯片样品,利用有机聚合物键合实现了晶圆级封装,通过测试键合强度、对比封装前后芯片性能等验证该样品的可靠性,测试结果显示键合强度满足要求且封装前后性能基本一致,达到预期结果。为提高器件可靠性,对该方案进行改进,利用金属共晶键合方式实现气密性封装,并制作出满足气密性要求的晶圆级封装的声表面波器件样品。 |
英文摘要: |
To solve the problem that surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters cannot realize system in package and high-density system integration, and to produce filters that can protect graphics and have small packaging sizes, this paper studies the wafer-level advanced packaging (WLP) technology of SAW chips. According to the particularity of SAW filters, the technical scheme is proposed and the feasibility of the scheme is verified by experiments. The SAW chip sample of the WLP is produced, and the non-hermetic packaging is realized by polymer bonding. The reliability of the SAW chip performance of the WLP is verified by comparing the chip performance before and after packaging. The test results show that the performance difference before and after packaging is not significant, and the performance meets the expected requirements. To meet the requirements of air tightness, the scheme was improved. The Au Sn eutectic bonding method was used to realize the hermetic packaging. The SAW chip sample of the WLP was made by experiment. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2025.01.006 |
中文关键词: SAW芯片 WLP封装 聚合物键合 |
英文关键词: The SAW chip WLP Polymer bonding |
基金项目:(号码) :无 |
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