朱舸,沈勇,夏洁,冯雪磊.恒定束宽扬声器线阵列优化研究*[J].,2017,36(2):95-104 |
恒定束宽扬声器线阵列优化研究* |
Optimization for constant beam-width transducer line array |
投稿时间:2016-05-16 修订日期:2017-02-22 |
中文摘要: |
为了保持恒定束宽扬声器(CBT)线阵列高频指向性恒定,解决单元间距过小的问题,减小阵元数目,提出了利用声波导代替扬声器单元,建立了波导CBT阵列的声场模型。基于数值计算结果和数据分析,比较了不同阵元数目的波导CBT阵列和CBT阵列的指向性和声场分布,讨论了有效辐射率和使用阵元数目的关系。通过提高有效辐射率可以有效降低CBT阵列所需阵元数目,解决了扬声器单元间距过小的问题。 |
英文摘要: |
To ensure the constant directivity of constant beam-width transducers(CBT) line array in high frequency and solve the problem of small spacing between loudspeaker units, waveguide CBT array sound field model was built and a method using acoustic waveguides instead of the loudspeaker units was proposed which is able to reduce the units. Based on numerical simulations and data analysis, comparisons on directivity and sound field distribution were made between waveguide CBT array and CBT array using different numbers of array units. The relationship between active radiating factor (ARF) and array units is also discussed; the number of required CBT array units can be effectively reduced by using high ARF acoustic waveguides which can solve the problem of small spacing between the array units. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2017.02.001 |
中文关键词: CBT阵列,声波导,有效辐射率 |
英文关键词: CBT Array, Acoustic Waveguide, Active radiating factor |
基金项目:有限长近似线声源声学特性研究(11274172) |
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