The application of leaky Lamb waves in cementing quality evaluation
投稿时间:2016-06-27  修订日期:2017-04-19
      Lightweight cements is widely used in oil and gas fields cementing render traditional logging methods can not evaluate cement bond quality effectively .This paper is based on the characteristics of flexural lamb waves which is sensitive to cement bond quality evaluation, Firstly, a suitable layered medium model is established for casing well, The plane wave reflection coefficient of layered medium is calculated, the conditions of the flexural Lamb wave excitation in the casing well is discussed in terms of reflection coefficient, then calculate waveform signal of leaky flexural lamb according to the conditions combined with angular spectrum theory when the steady-state finite width pulse beam incident in casing well, analyse the relationship between waveform signal characteristics and the cement bond quality. The results show that, the incident acoustic wave can excite the flexural lamb waves in the casing under certain conditions, and it’s attenuation rate correlated both with the cement bond quality and acoustic parameters. When it comes to common or lightweight cement, the attenuation rate increases as the thickness of water layer between casing and cement decreases. When it comes to fast cement, the attenuation rate increase as thickness of the water layer decrease, while attenuation rate shift to decrease as the water layer disappear which means the casing bonded with fast cement well.
中文关键词: 轻质水泥,弯曲型Lamb波,水泥胶结质量评价
英文关键词: Lightweight cement, Flexural lamb wave, Cement bond quality evaluation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (51541408)
杨旭辉 长江大学电子与信息学院 荆州 434023 24864575@qq.com 
余厚全* 长江大学电子与信息学院 荆州 434023 41414515@qq.com 
陈强 中国石油集团测井有限公司 陕西 西安 609243770@qq.com 
马秀妮 中国石油集团测井有限公司 陕西 西安 736418318@qq.com 
李涛 中海石油深海开发有限公司 40786375@qq.com 
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