The elimination of redundant sensors of acoustic holography array with dense sensor and large aperture
投稿时间:2016-09-23  修订日期:2017-04-28
      Large near-field holography array with dense sensors is an important tool for acoustic imaging of non-stationary noise. The dynamic character of the sound field can be imaged by high-speed field test. The main measures to improve the quality of the acoustic image are enlarging the array’s aperture and increase the density of the sensors. On the other side, the volume of data increase along with the sensor number, and decrease the imaging speed. The redundant sensors will harm the dynamic performance of acoustic image in field test. It is demonstrated in this paper that under certain noise level increasing sensor number blindly may not improve the quality of the acoustic image. For this reason, the phenomenon of redundant sensors about dense array is studied; the method to estimate the optimal number of the sensors is brought out and applied to eliminate the redundant sensors. Simulation analysis and experiment show that the way of eliminating the redundant sensors for dense array is effective; the amount of calculation is lessen and the speed of imaging is enhanced without reduce the quality of the acoustic image; it is useful for near-field acoustic holography for non-stationary noise in field test.
中文关键词: 近场声全息,声成像,声阵列,冗余
英文关键词: near-field acoustic holography, acoustic imaging, acoustic array, redundant
郭文勇 海军工程大学 动力工程学院 13294153193@163.com 
陈林松* 海军工程大学 动力工程学院 linsirchen@163.com 
曹跃云 海军工程大学 电子工程学院 653143156@qq.com 
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