The detection for inner defects of parts based on the distributed ultrasonic transducer testing method
投稿时间:2016-11-30  修订日期:2017-06-15
      超声检测是一种重要的无损检测技术,广泛应用于工业检测之中。比如超声相控阵检测法和超声A扫应用于零件内部缺陷检测。然而,这些方法可以检测出缺陷位置却很难精确的检测缺陷的尺寸。因此,怎样检测缺陷的尺寸甚至重构缺陷轮廓成了急需解决并且很有意义的问题。本文提出了一种分布式超声无损检测方法,将超声探头均匀布置在检测表面,每一个超声探头都可以发射超声信号,也可以接收超声信号,通过对接收到的缺陷反射信号进行处理来重构缺陷轮廓。基于分布式超声无损检测方法,重构轴类零件上的人造缺陷并建立相应的声学仿真模型。通过多项式拟合法和聚类法分别处理实验和仿真所获得的的数据并进一步重构缺陷轮廓。实验结果显示重构的椭圆形缺陷和正方形缺陷均方根误差分别为0.558mm,1.038 mm。仿真结果显示重构的椭圆形缺陷和正方形缺陷均方根误差分别为0.408 mm,0.458 mm。以上结果表明分布式超声无损检测方法有广泛的应用价值和理论意义。
      Abstract Ultrasonic testing is an important nondestructive testing technology, which is widely used in industrial inspection. For example, phased array testing and A-scan are used to detect internal defects in parts. However, they can only detect the location of defects and it is hard to accurately detect the size of defects. Therefore, how to calculate the size of the defects and even reconstruct the contour of the defects is a significant problem to be settled urgently. This paper presents a distributed ultrasonic testing method that a plurality of probes is arranged evenly on the detection surface. Every ultrasonic probe plays the role of transmitting probe as well as receiving probe, though processing the received signals the defect is detected. Based on the distributed ultrasonic testing method, several artificial defects in the shaft were tested and the corresponding acoustic simulation model was established. The contour of the artificial defect was reconstructed through polynomial fitting method and clustering method based on the data obtained from experiments and acoustic simulation. According to the experimental results, the root mean square error of the reconstructed elliptical defect and the reconstructed square defect is 0.558mm, 1.038mm. According to the acoustic simulation results, the root mean square error of the reconstructed elliptical defect and the reconstructed square defect is 0.408mm, 0.458mm. The studies we have performed showed that researching on the distributed ultrasonic testing method has wide application value and theoretical significance.
中文关键词: 定量检测,声学仿真,分布式超声无损检测,重构
英文关键词: Quantitative detection, Acoustic simulation, The distributed ultrasonic transducer detection, Reconstruction
基金项目:国家 863 项目 (2013AA040201)
许善燎* 武汉理工大学 272830654@qq.com 
汪小凯 武汉理工大学 wxk0919@163.com 
宋雨珂 武汉理工大学现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室  
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