Array design and test of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer used underwater
投稿时间:2016-12-30  修订日期:2017-08-14
      为提高用于水下成像的电容式微机械超声换能器(CMUT)的指向性,文中用ANSYS力电耦合分析法设计了工作频率为400kHz的收发一体传感器的结构参数并完成了实验验证。同时研究了阵列设计方法,分析了CMUT阵列各参数对指向性的影响,完成了从微小敏感单元到阵列的设计,实现了阵列指向性的优化设计。该阵列为16阵元的线阵,阵元间距为1.925 mm,阵元宽度为1.82mm。进行了水下指向性测试,实验表明该线阵的-3dB主瓣宽度为5°,最大旁瓣级为-13.5dB,对称性好。该设计是实现较远距离的探测,提高成像分辨率的前提。
      In order to improve the directivity of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer used in underwater imaging , the structure parameters of a transceiver integrated sensor are designed using force electric coupling analysis method in this paper,the working frequency of which is 400 kHz and experimental verification is completed.The array design criterion is studied, the influence of various parameters of CMUT array on the directivity is analyzed,the design from cell to array is completed, and the optimum design of array directivity is realized. A linear array is designed,which has 16 elements,element distance is 1.925 mm , and element width is 1.82mm. Underwater directivity test is conducted, the experiment shows that the 3 dB main lobe width of the line array is 5 °, maximum sidelobe level is -13.5dB,and it has good symmetry.The study lay a foundation for long distance detection and high resolution imaging.
中文关键词: 电容式微机械超声换能器,阵列设计, ANSYS,指向性
英文关键词: Capacitive  Micromachined Ultrasonic  Transducer(CMUT), ANSYS ,array  design, directivity
基金项目:国家杰出青年科学基金项目 (61525107), 国家重点研发项目 (2016YFC0101900)
郝聪聪 中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室 279744205@qq.com 
何常德* 中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室 hechangde@nuc.edu.cn 
梁伟健 中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室 1358869949@qq.com 
何昱蓉 中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室 475902767@qq.com 
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