周宏坤,洪连进,葛锡云,赵俊波,冯雪磊.用于矢量水听器的弯曲圆盘型声压水听器*[J].,2017,36(6):497-504 |
用于矢量水听器的弯曲圆盘型声压水听器* |
A flexural-disk hydrophone employed in acoustic vector sensor |
投稿时间:2017-03-06 修订日期:2017-10-27 |
中文摘要: |
针对在同振型矢量水听器中有效地复合声压通道的问题,提出一种采用压电双迭片结构的弯曲圆盘型声压水听器。压电双迭片由中心开孔的压电圆片和金属背衬组成,采用弯曲振动工作模式。为提高声压水听器的灵敏度,分别通过理论计算和有限元仿真的方法对双迭片结构进行了分析与优化设计,并制作了一只声压水听器样机用于实验验证。测试结果表明,声压水听器的灵敏度为-157 dB(0dB re 1V/μPa),在25 Hz~1000 Hz频带内分布平坦,并具有全指向性的特点。综合理论研究与实验室测试结果,这种弯曲圆盘型声压水听器成功满足了低频宽带声信号接收的需要,达到了复合同振型矢量水听器对声压通道的设计要求。 |
英文摘要: |
A flexural-disk hydrophone utilizing the piezoelectric unimorph is presented here to achieve the effective combination between pressure channel and the inertial acoustic vector sensor. The flexural-mode piezoelectric unimorph consists of a piezoelectric disk with a hole in the center and a metal substrate. To improve the pressure sensitivity of the hydrophone, theoretical analysis and finite element method were used to optimize the design of the piezoelectric unimorph, and a hydrophone prototype was fabricated and tested. It is shown from the experimental result that the hydrophone is provided with the sensitivity of -157dB (0dB re 1V/μPa) with a less fluctuation over the bandwidth of 25 Hz ~ 1000 Hz, and the directivity satisfies omni-directional characteristic well. Both theoretical researches and experimental results demonstrate that the piezoelectric unimorph-type hydrophone successfully achieves low-frequency broadband sound pressure signal reception, and meets the design requirement for the combined inertial acoustic vector sensor. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2017.06.004 |
中文关键词: 矢量水听器,压电双迭片,声压水听器,弯曲振动 |
英文关键词: Acoustic vector sensor, Piezoelectric unimorph, Hydrophone, Flexural vibration |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11074057, 11674075) |
摘要点击次数: 2314 |
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