朱斯语,姬培锋,杨军.中西方典型乐器音高响度与音色明亮度的研究*[J].,2017,36(6):481-489 |
中西方典型乐器音高响度与音色明亮度的研究* |
A study of the pitch, loudness and brightness with Chinese and Western instruments |
投稿时间:2017-03-10 修订日期:2017-05-12 |
中文摘要: |
为了客观的评价民族乐器与西洋乐器在听觉感知方面的差异,本文利用15种典型的中西方典型乐器声样本,建立了与音色、响度和音色明亮度有关的15种乐器的感知空间模型,通过这些模型可以预测不同乐器在音高、响度一定时,音色明亮度的感知情况。此外,根据已建立的感知空间模型分别对比弹拨乐器、拉弦乐器和不同类型的吹奏乐器中三种听觉感知属性的变化差异。结果表明,对于中西方典型乐器,音色明亮度随响度的增加而增大,但是响度对音色明亮度的影响程度受到音域和响度范围的影响。民族乐器的音色明亮度随音高的增加而增大,但是西洋乐器的音色明亮度并没有随音高的增加而发生明显的变化。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to make an objective evaluation on auditory perception between Western instruments and Chinese traditional instruments, an auditory perceptual model was proposed based on 15 recorded instruments sounds. With this model, the brightness of different instruments with the same pitch and loudness can be predicted. Based on the auditory perceptual model, the differences on auditory perception among different types of musical instruments were analyzed. The results show that for both Western instruments and Chinese traditional instruments, the brightness increases with the increasing loudness influenced by different pitch domains and loudness domains. Moreover, for Chinese traditional instruments, the brightness increases with the increasing pitch but not for Western instruments. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2017.06.002 |
中文关键词: 西洋乐器,民族乐器,音高,响度,音色明亮度 |
英文关键词: Western instruments, Chinese traditional instruments, Pitch, Loudness, Brightness |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11674348, 11174317), 中国科学院青年创新促进会资助项目 (2015019) |
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