吕玉恒.高层住宅水泵房噪声与振动治理[J].,1997,16(5):17-20 |
高层住宅水泵房噪声与振动治理 |
Noise and vibration control in the water pump room of high residential-building |
中文摘要: |
为解决高层居民住宅生活用水和消防用水,一般均设置水泵房.若水泵房设计安装不当,将成为扰民的噪声源和振动源.本文以上海几栋高层住宅水泵房为例,通过采取隔振、软联接、隔声、吸声、通风等措施,有效地控制了振动传递,降低了噪声,达到了环保标准要求. |
英文摘要: |
To fill the need of water for domestic usuage and for fire extinction at highresidential building, a water pump room should in general be provided. If the water pumproom is not handled properly, it will become a noise and vibration source and disturbsthe normal live of the resdents. If we take some measures sucdh as vibration isolation,flexible coupling, noise isolation and ventilation etc., we can effectively reduce vibrationand noise transmission so as to meet the requirements of environmental protection stan-dards. Examples of such measures taken in a few Shanghai buildings are given. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1997.05.004 |
中文关键词: 高层住宅 水泵 隔离 降噪 |
英文关键词: Water pump Vibration isolation Noise reduction High residential building |
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