A technique of energy saving in scale control by ultrasonic wave and development of relevant ultrasonic equipment
      Sca1e deposition on the heat transfer equipment (THE) is a difficulty prob- lem, it affects not only the utilization of thermal energy and normal run of production, but also the quality of product and production cost. After studying the mechaism, doing lab experiments and factory-scale experiments of scale control by ultrasonic wave, the mechanism was revealed and ultrasoinc parameters were optimized. In addition, a new type of ultrasonic equlpment was developed, which could remove scale siedcantly, as shown in the results of experiments done in a lab and a factory The experiments also indicated that this technique could prohibit the formation of new scale besides removing old scale, and improve heat transfer coefficielits and production capacity Furthermore, with this tecdrique, chemical detergents were not necessary to remove scale so that the HTE could be used for a longer time without chemical contarmination to environment. This new technique of scale control by ultrasoinc wave might be applied in many fields such as sugar industry, fertilizer and paper-making industry.
中文关键词: 超声波  防除积垢  传热设备  超声设备
英文关键词: Ultrasonic wave. Scale control. Heat transfer equipment. Ultrasonic equip- ment
丘泰球 华南理工大学轻化工研究所 广州510641 
胡爱军 华南理工大学轻化工研究所 广州510641 
姚成灿 华南理工大学轻化工研究所 广州510641 
刘石生 华南理工大学轻化工研究所 广州510641 
刘晓艳 华南理工大学轻化工研究所 广州510641 
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