秦洪峰,黄建国,张群飞.阵列幅相误差条件下的目标方位估计[J].,2002,21(3):6-10 |
阵列幅相误差条件下的目标方位估计 |
Estimation of direction-of-arrival in the presence of amplitude andphase errors |
中文摘要: |
本文研究了一种改进的MUSIC法,可在一定阵列幅相误差条件下对多目标实现高分辨方位估计,有效地改善了原算法的参数估计性能,具有稳健性高、适用范围广以及工程实现简单等特点。通过大量的计算机仿真和水池实验表明,该方法具有较好的多目标分辨能力和方位估计精度,工程应用前景良好。 |
英文摘要: |
A novel modified MUSIC (MMUSIC) algorithm for high-resolution direction-of-arrival(DOA)estimation under amplitude and phase errors (array model errors) isstudied. The robust MMUSIC algorithm can improve the performance of DOA estima-tion compared with the original MUSIC. It is also easy to be implemented in practiceand is suitable for most cases of model errors. Computer simulations and experimentsare conducted to show the high performance in resolution and precision as well as thegood prospect in engineering applications of the MMUSIC algorithm. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2002.03.003 |
中文关键词: 幅相误差 方位估计 MUSIC法 |
英文关键词: Amplitude and phase errors Direction-of-arrival estimation MUSIC algo-rithm |
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