王志明,蔡莲红.汉语语音视位的研究[J].,2002,21(3):29-34 |
汉语语音视位的研究 |
Study of Chinese viseme |
中文摘要: |
MPEG-4首次作为国际标准正式定义了视位(Viseme)的概念,它是指与某一音位相对应的嘴、舌头、下腭等可视发音器官所处的状态。本文通过对汉语发音时各可见部分器官动作和发音规则的研究,将汉语发音分为28个基本静态视位。利用语音信息从AVI文件中自动抽取出这些基本视位图像,从MPEG-4所规定的68个面部动画参数(FAP)中提取出28个来描述这些口形,并实现了部分FAP参数的自动测量。最后,我们给出一个视位研究应用的实例。 |
英文摘要: |
MPEG-4 gives the definition of viseme as the physical (visual) configurationof the mouth, tongue and jaw that is visually correlated with the speech sound cor-responding to a phoneme. Based on the study of the visual articulators movement inuttering Chinese speech and of the pronunciation rules, we define 28 basic static visemesof Chinese. We describe these visemes in term of 28 of the total of 68 MPEG-4 FAPs,extract these visemes automatically from AVI files based on speech information, and mea-sured partial FAP values by automatically tracking the mouth contour and some markedpoints. Finally, we give an example of usage of these viseme. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2002.03.009 |
中文关键词: 视位 面部动画参数 文本-语音转换系统 文本-可视语音转换系统 |
英文关键词: Viseme Facial animation parameter Text-to-speech Text-to-visual speech |
基金项目:国家教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20010003049) |
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