5) 深部钻测仪器原理与设计,包括但不局限于随钻测量,单井、跨井、井地和地井等井孔地球物理的新理论、新技术、新方法及新应用;
报告题目 |
李 阳 (Yang Li) 中国石化股份公司副总工程师,中国工程院院士 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Deputy Chief Engineer of Sinopec, China |
中石化页岩气技术发展与挑战 Developments and challenges of shale gas techniques of Sinopec
Arthur Cheng 新加坡国立大学,教授 Professor of National University of Singapore, Singapore |
José Carcione 意大利国家海洋与地球物理研究所,首席科学家 Principle Scientist of National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS), Italy |
Rock-physics templates based on seismic Q |
Maxim Lebedev 澳大利亚科廷大学,教授 Professor of Curtin University, Australia |
Digital rock under stress |
Juan Santos 阿根廷拉普拉塔国立大学,教授 Professor of National University of La Plata, Argentina |
A finite element upscaling procedure to characterize hydrocarbon reservoir formations |
Tobias Müller 澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织,首席科学家 Principle Scientist of Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO), Australia |
Fluid pressure diffusion in deformable porous media |
唐晓明 (Xiaoming Tang) 中国石油大学(华东)教授 Professor of China University of Petroleum at East China (UPC), China |
套管井声学测井技术新进展:理论、实验和现场测量 Progress of sonic logging techniques in cased wellbores: Theories, experiments, and field cases
余 刚 (Gang Yu) 中国石油东方地球物理公司 Scientific Advisor of Bureau of Geophysical Prospecting (BGP) Inc. in CNPC, China |
微地震监测前沿进展 Progress on micro-seismic monitoring |
赵先然 (Xianran Zhao) 美国,北京斯伦贝谢公司分部,首席岩石物理学家 Principle Petrophysicist of Schlumberger Limited at Beijing, USA |
斯伦贝谢声波测井最新进展和应用 Progress & application of Schlumberger on sonic logging |
胡恒山 (Hengshan Hu) 哈尔滨工业大学教授 Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology, China |
井孔内外声场的几个互易原理 Reciprocity theorems for acoustic wave fields inside and outside the borehole |
乔文孝 (Wenxiao Qiao) 中国石油大学(北京)教授 Professor of China University of Petroleum at Beijing(CUPB), China |
相控阵技术与随钻声波测井 Phased array techniques and acoustic LWD |
Xingyao Yin Professor of China University of Petroleum at East China(UPC), China |
基于岩石物理的地震叠前反演与流体识别 The pre-stack seismic inversion and fluid recognition based on rock physics |
宋延杰 (Yanjie Song) 东北石油大学教授 Professor of Northeast Petroleum University, China |
Rock physics experiments on artificial cores for low resistivity oil layers with conductive frames and the electric conduction model
巴 晶 (Jing Ba) 河海大学教授 Professor of Hohai University, China |
基于超声测试的储层波传播特征分析 Analysis on wave propagation characteristics in reservoirs based on ultrasonic measurements |
陈 浩 (Hao Chen) 中国科学院声学研究所研究员 Research Professor of the Institute of Acoustics in Chinese Academy of Sciences(IACAS), China |
小直径声波测井仪器研发及测试进展 Progress of research and tests of a slim diameter multipole acoustic logging tool |
2.组织委员会 (排名不分先后)
主 席:王秀明,中国科学院声学研究所超声技术中心暨北京市海洋深部钻探测量工程技术研究中
委 员:张春华,中科院声学所所党委书记,中国声学学会副理事长
郭 建,中国地球物理学会秘书长
张 波,中石化胜利石油工程有限公司测井公司总经理
孙 亮,中石油大庆油田测试技术服务分公司副总工程师
巴 晶,河海大学教授
秘 书:陈德华,中国科学院声学研究所超声技术中心副主任,中国地球物理学会井孔地球物理专业委员会秘书长
3.学术委员会 (排名不分先后)
主 席:李 阳,中国石化股份公司副总工程师,中国工程院院士
副主席: 朱日祥,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员,中国科学院院士
委 员:李剑浩,中国石油集团测井有限公司总经理,教授级高工
余 刚,中国石油集团东方物探高级顾问
Arthur C. H. Cheng, 新加坡国立大学教授
Tobias M. Müller, 澳洲联邦科学与工业组织首席科学家
José M. Carcione,意大利国家海洋与地球物理研究所(OGS)首席科学家
Juan E. Santos,阿根廷拉普拉塔国立大学天文和地球物理学院教授
李 宁,中石油勘探开发研究院教授级高工
陈 浩,中国科学院声学研究所研究员
秘 书:何 晓,中国科学院声学研究所超声技术中心主任助理,副研究员
4. 参会报名信息
1) 会议时间:2018年11月5日-11月7日(11月5日为报到时间)。
2) 会议地点:北京“世纪金源香山商旅酒店”。具体地址:北京市海淀区北正黄旗59号,酒店前台电话:010-59898888。
3) 报名方式:请参会代表填写所附报名回执表,并于2018年10月22日前按下面方式发至:
a) 电子邮件:suchang@mail.ioa.ac.cn。
b) 联系人:苏畅,关珺,电话:010-82547759,传真:010-82547759。
4) 会务费:每人收取会议费2600元(学生1300元),食宿统一安排、费用自理。
2018 the 9th China National Symposium on Reservoir Acoustics and Deep Drilling Exploration Technology Frontiers(RA &DETF)
(Second Announcement)
China National Symposium on Reservoir Acoustics and Deep Drilling Exploration Technology Frontiers(RA & DETF)is organized by the Acoustical Society of China (ASC), Chinese Geophysical Society (CGS), and Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS). It has been sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Beijing Engineering and Technology Research Center for Deep Drilling Exploration.
Since 2010, RA & DEFT Symposium has been successfully organized for 8 times. Around 1200 delegates attended the series of symposiums, and more than 150 internationally recognized scientists have been invited for the symposium presentations. This symposium has become one of the most active and influential events in reservoir acoustics and borehole logging technology studies. It plays an essential role in pushing forward pertinent academic communications, promoting interaction among physics, geophysics, and geology, and advancing in deep drilling exploration measurements and logging technologies.
In reservoir acoustics researching, the RA & DETF has conducted in-depth academic and technical exchanges in various subjects, including wave propagation and applications in inhomogeneous, anisotropic, viscoelastic and multiphase porous formations, as well as interactions and effects between acoustic waves and reservoirs, such as effects of reservoir porosity, pore structure, content and acoustic characteristics of pore fluid, permeability, and components and acoustic characteristics of solid skeleton, on wave propagation. Meanwhile, the symposium has played an important role in applications such as seismic exploration, acoustic logging, downhole VSP, time-lapse seismic monitoring, cementing quality detection, formation stress prediction, blockage relieving such as borehole ceresin wax purging in EOR.
In the field of deep drilling exploration and measurements for sciences and resources, the symposium has also conducted in-depth communications around hot spot or key issues such as information detection, acquisition and processing from in-well, cross-well, well-ground and ground-well measurements, and has positively promoted deep scientific drilling, deep resource and energy exploration and evaluation, as well as effective utilization of urban underground space.
Presently, the perspective of deep geological structure, visualization of deep lithosphere, exploration of the characteristics of deep geological behaviors, rock mechanical properties, and microbial variation, as well as exploration and evaluation of deep resources, are primary strategic requirements for deep drilling in China. In this context, problems that would be resolved include: innovation of tomography theory and method by three-dimensional drilling in radial direction from near to far, clarifying the internal law of measuring the digital core profile versus the actual core profile, building a bridge between geophysics and rock physics, studying geological cycle and basin evolution, perspective geological space outside the hole, studying the differences in geological behavior characteristics among different depths, and promoting multidisciplinary frontier cross-integration.
The 9th China National Symposium on RA & DETF will be held from 5 to7 November in 2018 at the Fragrant Hill Empark Hotel (59 North Zhenghuangqi, Haidian, Beijing, 100093). This year, the symposium is jointly organized by the Acoustical Society of China (ASC), Chinese Geophysical Society (CGS), and Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS), and partly sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Beijing Engineering and Technology Research Center for Deep Drilling Exploration.
As usual, the organizing committee will invite 15 internationally recognized research scientists who have gained an outstanding achievement and high academic attainment in related fields to give plenary presentations. The committee will also invite 3 to 5 representatives of excellent young scholars who have made significant achievements in related research fields to give presentations. The official languages are Chinese (with English PPT) and English. Presentations in English are encouraged so that the English-speaking delegates can communicate directly with the invited speakers.
The major topics of this symposium include:
1) Key scientific issues and challenging on deep earth drilling and exploration .
2) Novel theories, methods, and techniques of acoustic measurements in unconventional reservoirs.
3) Rock physics including digital cores, sample tests, and reservoir modeling.
4) Innovative theories and methods for logging evaluations.
5) Principles and designs of deep drilling exploration equipments, including but not limited to new principles, techniques, methods and as well as new applications in LWD and borehole geophysics engaged in single-well, cross-hole, well-ground and ground-well techniques.
6) Other research frontiers of reservoir acoustics or borehole geophysics.
The organizing committee would like to welcome all of the those who are engaged in deep earth science and resource drilling exploration and measurements, reservoir acoustic theories and applications, data processing, as well as geologic interpretations and evaluations to participate in this symposium. Also, the organizing committee would like experts engaged in pertinent scientific and technological administration and management in these areas to attend this meeting.
1.Inviated Speakers and Presentation Topics
Invited Speakers |
Presentation Topics |
Yang Li Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Deputy Chief Engineer of Sinopec, China |
Developments and challenges of shale gas techniques of Sinopec
Arthur Cheng Professor of National University of Singapore, Singapore |
The applications and challenges of LWD acoustics |
José Carcione Principle Scientist of National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS), Italy |
Rock-physics templates based on seismic Q |
Maxim Lebedev Professor of Curtin University, Australia |
Digital rock under stress |
Juan Santos Professor of National University of La Plata, Argentina |
A finite element upscaling procedure to characterize hydrocarbon reservoir formations |
Tobias Müller Principle Scientist of Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO), Australia |
Fluid pressure diffusion in deformable porous media |
Xiaoming Tang Professor of China University of Petroleum at East China(UPC), China |
Progress of sonic logging techniques in cased wellbores: Theories, experiments, and field cases
Gang Yu Scientific Advisor of Bureau of Geophysical Prospecting (BGP) Inc. in CNPC, China |
Progress on micro-seismic monitoring |
Xianran Zhao Principle Petrophysicist of Schlumberger Limited at Beijing, USA |
Progress & application of Schlumberger on sonic logging |
Hengshan Hu Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology,China |
Reciprocity theorems for acoustic wave fields inside and outside the borehole |
Wenxiao Qiao Professor of China University of Petroleum at Beijing(CUPB),China |
Phased array techniques and acoustic LWD |
Xingyao Yin Professor of China University of Petroleum at East China(UPC), China |
The pre-stack seismic inversion and fluid recognition based on rock physics |
Yanjie Song Professor of Northeast Petroleum University, China |
Rock physics experiments on artificial cores for low resistivity oil layers with conductive frames and the electric conduction model |
Jing Ba Professor of Hohai University, China |
Analysis on wave propagation characteristics in reservoirs based on ultrasonic measurements |
Hao Chen Research Professor of the Institute of Acoustics in Chinese Academy of Sciences(IACAS), China |
Progress of research and tests of a slim diameter multipole acoustic logging tool |
2. Organizing Committee (names not listed in order)
Xiuming Wang, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chunhua Zhang, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shouzhu Zhang, Acoustical Society of China
Jian Guo, Chinese Geophysical Society
Haimin Guo, Yangtze University
Guoping Wang, CNPC Logging
Bo Zhang, Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Engineering Company
Qihui Zhao, CNPC Greatwall Drilling Company
Cancan Zhou, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, CNPC
Liang Sun, Testing Technical Service Branch, Daqing Oilfield, CNPC
Xi’en Liu, Oilfield Technology Research Institute, COSL
Shaogui Deng, China University of Petroleum
Jiansheng Cong, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Qijiao Yu, Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Engineering Company
JIanmeng Sun, China University of Petroleum (UPC) at East China
Jing Ba, Hohai University
Xiumei Zhang, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dehua Chen, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yuanda Su, China University of Petroleum
3. Scientific Committee (names not listed in order)
Yang Li, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Sinopec
Deputy Chairs:
Rixiang Zhu, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chenghao Wang, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Committee Members:
Jianhao Li, CNPC Logging
Xiaoming Tang, China University of Petroleum
Gang Yu, BGP Inc., CNPC
Arthur C. H. Cheng, National University of Singapore
Tobias M. Müller, CSIRO
José M. Carcione, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Italy
Juan E. Santos, Universidad Nacional de La Plata,Argentina
Ning Li, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, CNPC
Lizhi Xiao, China University of Petroleum – Beijing
Jingli Dong, Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Engineering Company
Liufang Zhu, Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Engineering Company
Jiaqi Xiao, Qilu University of Technology
Ningde Jin, Tianjin University
Wenxiao Qiao, China University of Petroleum – Beijing
Yiren Fan, China University of Petroleum
Guoqiang Liu, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Hengshan Hu, Harbin Institute of Technology
Hao Chen, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Weijun Lin, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xiao He, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xinding Fang, Southern University of Science and Technology
4. General Information
1) Meeting Date:From 05/11/2018 to 07/11/2018(Registration on 05 Nov.)
2) Meeting Venue:Fragrant Hill Empark Hotel.
3) Hotel Address:59 North Zhenghuangqi RD, Haidian District, Beijing 100093.
4) Front Desk Tel:010-59898888.
5) Venue Location on Map:
Map around the Meeting Hotel
6)Registration Correspondents:
Name |
Telephone |
Xiao He |
hex@mail.io.ac.cn |
86-10-82547781 |
Chang Su |
suchang@mail.ioa.ac.cn |
86-10-82547780 |
Jun Guan |
guanjun@mail.ioa.ac.cn |
86-10-82547759 |
Registration Fees:2600 RMB (Overseas invited speakers are free of charge).
姓名 |
性别 |
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通讯联系 |
地址: 邮编: |
电子邮件 |
住宿要求 |
□单间 □双人间 |
住宿时间 |
□11月5日 □11月6日 □11月7日 |
备注 |