Propagation of Lamb wave in a functionally graded plate with a layered model
投稿时间:2015-07-16  修订日期:2016-04-27
      The Lamb wave propagation in a functionally graded plate with material property continuously varying along the thickness direction has been analyzed by a layered model. The dispersion relationship of Lamb wave of layered plate has been obtained by using the numerical calculation and compared with the known results. The wave velocity and displacements of Lamb wave also have been obtained with exponential and polynomial property grading schemes. The research results showed that with continuous the variation of material property, the wave velocity and displacements of Lamb wave changed. Compared with the high order mode of Lamb wave, the change of wave velocity of the low order is more significant. The change of wave velocity and displacements has important value in the practical engineering applications.
中文关键词: 兰姆波, 功能梯度材料, 波速, 位移, 层状结构
英文关键词: Lamb  wave, functionally  graded material, wave  velocity, displacement, layered  structure
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (10932004), 浙江省教育厅 2015 高校访问工程师校企合作项目 (考虑复杂因素的石英晶体谐振高频振动研究),宁波职业技术学院青年博士创新项目和科研项目 (2013001, NZ14001)
吴荣兴* 宁波职业技术学院建工学院 wurongxing98@163.com 
于兰珍 宁波职业技术学院建工学院 yulanzhen123456@163.com 
李晓东 宁波职业技术学院建工学院 387915703@qq.com 
邱耀 宁波职业技术学院建工学院 qy0523@126.com 
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