俞悟周,王佐民.强背景下混响时间的非线性滤波M序列相关测量[J].,1998,17(5):11-16,48 |
强背景下混响时间的非线性滤波M序列相关测量 |
Method of measuring reverberation time in strong noise environment using nonlinear filtering of the M-sequence correlation |
中文摘要: |
本文提出采用非线性滤波抑制在强背景噪声环境中用M-序列相关法得到的房间脉冲响应中的残余噪声影响,以扩大混响衰减曲线的动态范围,从而达到能够在强背景噪声环境下准确测量混响时间的目的.首先讨论了影响M序列相关法测量混响时间的几个因素。其次,采用非线性滤波进一步抑制背景噪声的影响。结果表明,非线性滤波的效果相当显著。本文还在非白噪声背景条件下用该法进行强背景下的混响时间测量,结果与传统测量结果符合得很好。 |
英文摘要: |
To enhance the dynamic range of decay curves and obtain accurate reverber-ation time under the condition of strong background noise, nonlinear filtering of impulseresponse obtained by M-sequence correlation technique is presented in the paper. First,several factors affecting the measurement by M-sequence are discussed. Second, nonlinearfiltering is applied to improve immunity of M-sequence to background noise. Researchshows that nonlinear filters work very efficiently without the need to cut off impulse re-sponse data. We also make similar measurements under the condition of non-white noisebackground. Results are in good agreement with those of conventional measurementwhen S/N is above 40dB. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1998.05.003 |
中文关键词: M-序列 非线性滤波 声学测量 |
英文关键词: M-sequence Nonlinear filtering Acoustical measurement |
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