范敏毅,惠俊英.点噪声源在近程声场中传播损失的仿真研究[J].,1998,17(6):35-38 |
点噪声源在近程声场中传播损失的仿真研究 |
A simulation study on the transmission loss of short-range field for a point noise source |
中文摘要: |
在分层介质条件下,用本征声线法仿真计算了点声源近距离噪声场的传播损失曲线.仿真结果表明,其传播损失不仅依赖于声速分布、海区深度、海底反射特性等环境条件,也依赖于声源及接收水听器的深度.声传播损失显著不同于球面被衰减规律,其传播损失差别可达8dB.这表明在测量舰船目标的辐射噪声声源级时必要的声场校正测量是必须的. |
英文摘要: |
Under the condition of a layered medium, the curves of the transmission loss of short range field for a point noise source are simulated, using the method of the eigen ray. According to the results of the simulation, the transmission loss not only depends on the environmental conditions including the velocity profile, the depth of water, the property of reflection from the sea bottom, etc., but also is related to the depths of the sound source and the receiver hydrophone. The behavior of the present transmission loss is obviously different from the law of spherical wave propagation loss. The difference between them could be as large as about 8dB. This indicates that it is necessary to calibrate the sound field when the noise level radiating from a vessel is being measured. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1998.06.008 |
中文关键词: 噪声 声场 校正 计算机仿真 |
英文关键词: Noise Sound field Calibration Computer simulation |
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