刘俊凯,董阳泽,张刚强.隐蔽通信中基于水声信道的密钥生成技术*[J].,2019,38(4):681-687 |
隐蔽通信中基于水声信道的密钥生成技术* |
Key generation technology based on underwater acoustic channel estimation in covert communication |
投稿时间:2019-02-14 修订日期:2019-06-30 |
中文摘要: |
水声传感器网络实现了高度智能化、自主性强、分布式、全天候的水下信息采集、传输、处理及融合,是水下目标的监测、定位、跟踪与分类等应用的最佳选择之一。针对隐蔽传输中的加密,提出了基于水声信道响应特征产生密钥的方法,通过利用水声信道的短时相关性,通信双方实时的产生加密密钥,以保证信息的保密性能。通过将信息隐藏技术和密钥生成技术相结合,确保水声信息的隐蔽传输。仿真与试验结果表明,基于提出的密钥生成方法能够生成匹配密钥,为水声隐蔽通信提供加密支持。 |
英文摘要: |
Take advantage of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network (UWSN), intelligent, autonomous, distributed, all underwater information collection, transmission, processing and fusion can be performed. Thus UWSN become one of the best choices for underwater applications such as target monitoring, positioning, tracking and classification. Aiming at the encryption in covert communication, a method of generating key based on the response characteristics of underwater acoustic channel is proposed. By utilizing the short-term correlation of underwater acoustic channel, both the transmitter and receiver can generate encryption keys in real time to ensure the confidentiality of information. By combining information hiding technology with key generation technology, the covert transmission of underwater acoustic information can be ensured. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed key generation method can generate matched keys as well as provide encryption support for underwater acoustic covert communication. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2019.04.027 |
中文关键词: 水声信道,密钥,信息隐藏,信息加密 |
英文关键词: Underwater acoustic channel, Secret key, Information hiding, Information encryption |
基金项目:浙江省海洋观测-成像试验区重点实验室开放基金 |
摘要点击次数: 1876 |
全文下载次数: 1894 |
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