刘晨,魏炜,姜永亮,汪承灏,祖庆夕,平云轩.超声数字式相控阵换能器动态聚焦系统研制[J].,2000,19(6):14-18 |
超声数字式相控阵换能器动态聚焦系统研制 |
Ultrasounic digital phased array dynamic focusing system |
中文摘要: |
本文是研制超声相控阵换能器动态聚焦系统,它包括数字式多通道信号发射系统和两种超声 相控阵换能器。用数字式多通道信号发射系统产生多路数字信号,通过改变每路信号的时延(相位), 控制相控阵换能器的各个阵元,使它们发出的声束在空间某点聚焦。我们对这两种相控阵进行了实 验测量,结果表明,用数字控制的相控阵换能器,可以实现精密的动态聚焦,并可取得良好的聚焦效 果。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper focuses on developing a digital ultrasonic phased array transducer system which can realize the focusing and scanning of sound beams. The system consists of a digital multi-channel transmitting circuit and two kinds of ultrasonic phased array transducers. Sound beams, produced by the array elements, can be focused onto a point by using this digital transmitting circuit to control the signal phase of each channel. Experimental results indicate that the phased array transducers can realize dynamic focusing with high precision. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2000.06.005 |
中文关键词: 超声聚焦 动态聚焦 超声换能器 相控阵 |
英文关键词: Ultrasonic focusing Dynamic focusing Ultrasound transducer Phased array |
基金项目:国家自然科学重点基金项目资助!(批准号19634050) |
摘要点击次数: 2770 |
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