Design of a radiation-mode error sensor for plate with arbitrary boundary condition
      To obtain the adjoint coefficients of the radiation modes is an important step in ASAC system which is based on the theory of radiation modes.Previous difficulty in designing PVDF sensors was that the velocity expression is restricted by the boundary conditions,and that the sesors were designed under the special boundary conditions. This paper presents a new method,which is based on the theories of radiation modes and the piezoelectric equations,using Legendre polynomials to express the velocity dis- tribution,to design the PVDF sensor for two-dimensional structure.The PVDF sensor designed by this method can be used to measure the adjoint coefficients of radiation modes for two-dimensional plate structures with arbitrary boundary conditions,and has good real-time quality.For either a clamped plate or part of a clamped plate,the first adjoint coefficients of radiation modes can be measured.By numerical calculation,the outputs of the PVDF sensor are compared with the theoretical values,and the results demonstrate the feasibility of this method.
中文关键词: 声辐射模态  任意边界条件  伴随系数  振动结构  误差传感器
英文关键词: Radiation mode  Arbitrary boundary condition  Adjoint coefficient  Vibration structure  Error sensor
朱利锋 江苏大学噪声振动研究所,江苏镇江,212013 
姜哲 江苏大学噪声振动研究所,江苏镇江,212013 
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