贺西平,王英民,张争气,滕舵.凹筒型换能器性能参数与开缝数之间关系的研究[J].,2008,27(6):440-443 |
凹筒型换能器性能参数与开缝数之间关系的研究 |
Dependence of performance of flextensional barrel-stave transducer on the number of shell slots |
中文摘要: |
凹筒形换能器具有频率低、功率大、尺寸小、重量轻等诸多优点,且其独特的外型结构适合于组排基阵,有较好的应用前景。为易于产生径向弯曲振动,通常沿轴向等间距开缝,以降低径向刚度。开缝数太少,不利于达到预期目的;开缝数太多,又可能引起声源级的降低。本文计算了凹筒型换能器开缝数与换能器声性能参数之间的关系。实验测试与理论计算比较符合。 |
英文摘要: |
The barrel-stave transducer achieves high power,lower frequency and light- weight performance,and is suitable for array formation because of its exterior shape.In or- der to create flextural vibration easily,it is always slotted equally along its axes to minish its radial stiffness.The number of the solts should be appropriate,neither too many nor too little.In this paper,the relations between the number of slots and the performances of a barrel-stave transducer are investigated numercially.Results of measurements agree to some extend with the theoretical. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2008.06.006 |
中文关键词: 凹筒形换能器 开缝 性能参数 |
英文关键词: The barrel-stave transducer Slot Performance parameter |
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