吴嘉,席葆树,许宏庆.声频下驻波管中微粒的悬浮现象及其相位多普勒测量[J].,2002,21(3):21-24,17 |
声频下驻波管中微粒的悬浮现象及其相位多普勒测量 |
Particles suspension in standing-wave tube under acoustic frequencyand its phase Doppler measurements |
中文摘要: |
本文在声频信号下发现驻波管底部的微小颗粒群在一定声场强度下会腾空而起,在管中形成稳定的悬浮层。通过相位多谱勒(PDA)测量发现,只有粒径在一定范围内的颗粒才能稳定悬浮在管中,且颗粒悬浮层中颗粒的粒径按一定的高度规律分布。这一结果在粉尘颗粒分离、分级中有广阔的应用前景。 |
英文摘要: |
Particles at the bottom of acoustic-frequency standing-wave tube willrise high in the air under sufficient high intensity of the acoustical field and form stableparticle suspending layer. The PDA meassurement of the particle layer shows that onlythe particles whose diameters are in certain range can suspend in the tube, and thatdistribution of the particle size follows some regularity.The result may be used for |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2002.03.007 |
中文关键词: 驻波管 颗粒悬浮现象 相位多谱勒测量 |
英文关键词: Standing-wave tube Particle suspension phenomenon PDA |
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