Page 22 - 《应用声学》2021年第4期
P. 22

506                                                                                  2021 年 7 月

                     100                                  100   100                                 100
                      80                                         80
                                                          95                                        95
                      60                                         60
                                                          90                                        90
                      40                                  85     40                                 85
                    ᡰሏ/km  20 0                           80   ᡰሏ/km  20 0                          80

                                                          75    -20                                 75
                     -40                                        -40
                                                          70                                        70
                     -60                                        -60
                                                          65                                        65
                     -80                                        -80
                    -100                                  60   -100                                 60
                       -100   -50     0     50     100            -100   -50     0      50    100
                                   ᡰሏ/km                                       ᡰሏ/km
                               (a) ʷథ͋͜୧૯ܿ                                 (b) Оథ͋͜୧૯ܿ
                       图 11  不同月份以 HA11 北侧水听器位置为中心的声场分布 (100 m 深度,10 ∼ 100 Hz 宽带结果)
                  Fig. 11 2D transmission loss at 100 m depth in different months for the source at the position of HA11
                  north station (The results are computed at the frequency band of 10 ∼ 100 Hz)

                      10                                 80       10                                 80
                      8                                            8
                                                         75                                          75
                      6                                            6
                      4                                            4
                                                         70        2                                 70
                    ᡰሏ/km  0                             65     ᡰሏ/km  0                             65

                     -2                                          -2
                                                         60                                          60
                     -4                                          -4
                     -6                                          -6
                                                         55                                          55
                     -8                                          -8
                    -10                                  50     -10                                  50
                      -10     -5      0      5      10            -10     -5      0      5      10
                                    ᡰሏ/km                                        ᡰሏ/km
                                (a) ܦູງए100 m                               (b) ܦູງए300 m
                                图 12  以 HA11 北侧水听器位置为中心的声场分布 (10 ∼ 100 Hz 宽带结果)
                  Fig. 12 2D transmission loss for the source at the position of HA11 north station at the depth of 100 m
                  and 300 m in the frequency band of 10 ∼ 100 Hz

                       0                                80        0                                   80
                                                        75      500                                   75
                                                        70     1000                                   70
                     1500                                      1500
                   ງए/m  2000                           65    ງए/m  2000                              65
                                                        60                                            60
                                                        55                                            55
                     3500                                      3000
                     4000                               50                                            50
                        0     2    4    6     8    10             0      2     4     6     8     10
                                  ᡰሏ/km                                         ᡰሏ/km
                               (a) HA11ԼባӒΟ                                  (b) HA11ԼባӯΟ
                         图 13  以 HA11 南北站位水听器位置为中心方位角 0 处的声场分布 (10 ∼ 100 Hz 宽带平均)
                  Fig. 13 2D transmission loss for the source at the position of HA11 north station and south station at the
                  azimuth 0 in the frequency band of 10 ∼ 100 Hz
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