Page 125 - 《应用声学》2022年第3期
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第 41 卷 第 3 期                                                                       Vol. 41, No. 3
             2022 年 5 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                      May, 2022

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄


                                        激发波场的数值分析                              ∗

                                闫向宏     1†   朱 琳     2  闫世鹏      1   方恒忠     1   杨喜峰     1

                                            (1 中国石油大学 (华东) 理学院      青岛   266580)
                                            (2 中国石油大学胜利学院教务处        东营   257061)
                摘要:为了探索测井仪器偏心对随钻低频四极子波场的影响,利用有限元法 (多物理场耦合有限元软件包) 对
                中图法分类号: O42           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2022)03-0447-06
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2022.03.015

                Numerical analysis of the low frequency quadrupole acoustic field excited by

              eccentric quadrupole source with eccentric logging instrument in soft formation

                      YAN Xianghong  1  ZHU Lin 2  YAN Shipeng 1  FANG Hengzhong   1  YANG Xifeng  1

                          (1 College of Science in China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China)
                       (2 Academic Affair Office in Shengli College China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061, China)

                 Abstract: In order to explore the influence of logging instrument eccentricity on low frequency quadrupole wave
                 field while drilling, numerical calculation on the low frequency quadrupole acoustic field excited by eccentric
                 quadrupole source with eccentric logging instrument in soft formation by using the finite element method is
                 carried out. According to the analysis results for the waveform of the quadrupole logging while drilling, when
                 using low frequency eccentric quadrupole source to excite the quadrupole acoustic field, there are two different
                 wave patterns in the received waveforms. In addition to the quadrupole wave pattern which propagation speed
                 equivalent to the shear wave velocity in soft formation, also there is another kind of wave pattern with a very
                 low amplitude and higher propagation speed than the borehole fluid velocity in front of the quadrupole wave
                 pattern, this wave pattern is called drill collar bend wave pattern, the amplitude of this wave patterns enlarges
                 according to quadratic low with the increase of eccentric distance of quadrupole source and the formation
                 quadrupole wave pattern increase according to cubic rule.
                 Keywords: Acoustic logging while drilling; Quadrupole while drilling; Circular borehole; Eccentric quadrupole source

             2021-05-20 收稿; 2021-11-29 定稿
             国家自然科学基金面上项目 (11774433)
             作者简介: 闫向宏 (1966– ), 男, 陕西蓝田人, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 声波测井与声学换能器。
             † 通信作者 E-mail:
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