Page 137 - 《应用声学》2020年第1期
P. 137
第 39 卷 第 1 期 Vol. 39, No. 1
2020 年 1 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics January, 2020
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
李阿杰 徐 兵 李喜峰 † 张建华
(上海大学机电工程与自动化学院 上海 200072)
其水域中的声压分布均匀性。同时,实验通过铝箔的空化腐蚀、KI 剂量测定及工件表面油渍去除对比了传统
关键词:超声空化;变幅杆;空化腐蚀;KI 剂量测定;COMSOL 模拟
中图法分类号: TB532 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2020)01-0133-09
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2020.01.017
Design of dish-shaped ultrasonic horn
LI Ajie XU Bing LI Xifeng ZHANG Jianhua
(School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China)
Abstract: The distribution of the ultrosonic fields and cavitation zones in the water domain can be signifi-
cant effected by optimizing the physical parameters of the ultrasonic horn and then improving the ultrasonic
efficiency. The cavitation bubbles are formed near the horn tip, which causing severe attenuation of ultrasonic
irradiating and having poor efficiency of energy conversion through using FEM model. Therefore, a dish-shaped
ultrosonic horn is proposed and optimized. The dish-shaped horn generates a larger vibration displacement
and has a better distribution of energy in the ultrasonic reactor compared with typical horn and further inves-
tigation was verified by aluminium foil. Finally, the determined field parameters are related to the cavitation
effects by means of etching patterns analysis of perforated aluminium foil and KI dosimetry and removing oil
from the workpiece surface. The experimental results demonstrate dish-shaped ultrosonic horn contributes
to sonochemical reaction and creating a larger reactive zone and cavitation bubbles, having a higher energy
efficiency and oil removing ability, compared with typical horn.
Keywords: Ultrasonic cavitation; Ultrasonic horn; Aluminum foil corrosion; KI dosimetry; COMSOL
2019-04-10 收稿; 2019-08-20 定稿
作者简介: 李阿杰 (1992– ), 男, 安徽阜阳人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 超声换能器。
† 通信作者 E-mail: