Page 130 - 《应用声学》2020年第6期
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第 39 卷 第 6 期                                                                       Vol. 39, No. 6
             2020 年 11 月                         Journal of Applied Acoustics                 November, 2020

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄

                             风力机叶片气动噪声的影响参数                                               ∗

                               曾明伍      1   朱卫军     2   孙振业     2†   郑大周      1  李松林      1

                                              (1  东方电气风电有限公司      德阳   618000)
                                          (2  扬州大学电气与能源动力工程学院         扬州   225127)

                制。选取基于 NACA、DU 翼型的某风力机叶片作为研究对象,采用修正 BPM 半经验模型计算叶片的气动噪
                中图法分类号: V211.3; TK89          文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2020)06-0924-08
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2020.06.016

                   The influence parameters of aerodynamic noise of wind turbine blades

                       ZENG Mingwu   1  ZHU Weijun  2  SUN Zhenye 2  ZHENG Dazhou    1  LI Songlin 1

                                  (1  Dongfang Electric Wind Power Corporation, Deyang 618000, China)
                      (2  Yangzhou University College of Electrical, Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou 225127, China)

                 Abstract: With the size of wind turbine getting larger, the impact of wind turbines noise on the environment
                 cannot be ignored. Therefore, the prediction and control of wind turbine aerodynamic noise should be con-
                 ducted. A turbine blade with NACA and DU series airfoils was selected as the research baseline. The modified
                 BPM semi-empirical model was used to calculate aerodynamic noise characteristics of blades. The influence
                 of blade shape parameters and turbine operating conditions on aerodynamic noise of horizontal wind turbine
                 blades was studied, through modifying the factors such as airfoil series, chord, wind turbine operating states,
                 wind shear index, inflow direction, etc. Simulation results showed disciplines of varying of the aerodynamic
                 noise from different aspects, which provides a reference for the development of high efficiency and low noise
                 wind turbine blades.
                 Keywords: Wind turbine blade; Aerodynamic noise; Blade geometric parameters; Wind turbine parameters;
                 Inflow parameters

             2020-03-21 收稿; 2020-07-15 定稿
             四川省科技厅重点研发项目 (2019YFG0018), 国家自然科学基金项目 (11672261, 51905469)
             作者简介: 曾明伍 (1983– ), 男, 四川德阳人, 本科, 高级工程师, 研究方向: 风力机叶片设计与优化。
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