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本文对磁致振动超声成像的发展背景、成像原 fa.shtml.
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多,但其具有独特的优势和应用前景值得学者进一 [6] Guo Y, Lin H, Dong C, et al. Role of acoustic radiation
步重视和研究。首先,这是一种多物理场融合的成 force impulse imaging elastography in the assessment of
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像方法。通过电磁激励 -超声检测的方法,有望突
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破单一物理场成像的局限性,并且更容易获取反映 [7] Guo Y, Dong C, Lin H, et al. Ex vivo study of acoustic
同一生理状态下的各种功能性信息,也是医学成像 radiation force impulse imaging elastography for evalua-
tion of rat liver with steatosis[J]. Ultrasonics, 2017, 74:
分子成像领域的不断开发和应用,该技术有望为超 [8] Lin H, Zhang X, Shen Y, et al. Model-dependent and
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vibrometry[J]. Medical Engineering & Physics, 2017, 39:
外,该技术的应用进一步拓展了超声成像的功能性, 66–72.
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体的超声成像系统提供新的思路。与 MRI 分子成
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像相比,磁致振动超声成像既有分子影像的灵敏性, [10] Opacic T, Dencks S, Theek B, et al. Motion model ultra-
也有超高的成像速度,而且成像设备相对简单。与 sound localization microscopy for preclinical and clinical
multiparametric tumor characterization[J]. Nature Com-
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组织内传播的局限性。当然,磁致振动超声成像也 [11] Errico C, Pierre J, Pezet S, et al. Ultrafast ultrasound
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针构建、在体实验以及安全性评估等方面。最后,磁 of microbubbles for targeted ultrasound contrast imag-
致振动超声成像作为多学科交叉的研究领域,还需 ing: practical translation considerations[J]. Langmuir,
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[13] Li B, Aid-Launais R, Labour M N, et al. Functional-
等学科的参与和支持。随着磁致振动超声成像的不 ized polymer microbubbles as new molecular ultrasound
断研究和完善,相信该技术将在临床疾病诊断、术 contrast agent to target P-selectin in thrombus[J]. Bioma-
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中导航和疗效评估等方面发挥重要作用,并将推动 [14] Willmann J K, Bonomo L, Testa A C, et al. Ultrasound
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