Page 107 - 《应用声学)》2023年第5期
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第 42 卷 第 5 期                                                                       Vol. 42, No. 5
             2023 年 9 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                 September, 2023

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄

                         微槽式光学谐振腔超声传感效应验证                                                      ∗

                              吴博丰 崔建功 楚晓霞 祝 敏 赵荣宇 张文栋
                                             张国军 王任鑫 杨玉华                    †

                                      (中北大学   省部共建动态测试技术国家重点实验室            太原  030051)

                质因子 (Q) 的光波导微槽式环形谐振腔超声传感器,完成器件制备并搭建了测试系统,依据倏逝波效应实现
                了超声探测。测试结果表明,该传感器的 Q 为 1.38×10 ,在 800 kHz∼1 MHz 范围内响应平坦,在 900 kHz 的
                信噪比可以达到 27 dB,灵敏度达到 −168 dB。该文设计的传感器可以为水声探测等领域的研究提供关键技
                中图法分类号: TN256           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2023)05-0999-06
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.05.013

               Verification of ultrasonic sensing effect in microgroove optical resonant cavity

                WU Bofeng     CUI Jiangong   CHU Xiaoxia    ZHU Min     ZHAO Rongyu     ZHANG Wendong

                                     ZHANG Guojun      WANG Renxin      YANG Yuhua

                   (State Key Laboratory of Dynamic Measurement Technology, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China)
                 Abstract: The high sensitivity of optical microcavities is mainly due to its structure’s localized enhancement
                 and frequency selection effects on the optical field in both time and space. Its structure forms a highly reflective
                 boundary perpendicular to the waveguide direction, forming an echo cavity that allows light to reflect back and
                 forth within the waveguide, thereby enhancing the intensity of the light field inside the waveguide. When there
                 are small pressure fluctuations outside, it will cause changes in the dielectric constant and pressure field inside
                 the waveguide, thereby changing the mode field distribution and transmission characteristics in the resonant
                 cavity. Based on this, high sensitivity detection of small pressure fluctuations can be achieved. In this paper,
                 a high quality factor (Q) optical waveguide microgroove resonant cavity ultrasonic sensor is designed, and the
                 device preparation and testing system are completed. The ultrasound detection was achieved based on the
                 evanescent wave effect. The experimental results demonstrate that the sensor has a quality factor of 1.38×10 ,
                 with a flat frequency response from 800 kHz to 1 MHz, a signal-to-noise ratio of 27 dB at 900 kHz, and a
                 sensitivity of −168 dB. The designed sensor provides key technical support for research in underwater acoustic
                 detection and other related fields.
                 Keywords: High quality factors; Microslot resonator; Evanescent field effect; Ultrasonic sensing
             2023-04-25 收稿; 2023-06-13 定稿
             国家自然科学基金面上项目 (62274149), 山西省基础研究计划资助项目 (202103021224203), 山西省 “1331 工程” 重点学科建设计划资
             作者简介: 吴博丰 (1996– ), 男, 吉林榆树人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 光学微腔传感。
             † 通信作者 E-mail:
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