Page 5 - 《应用声学》2023年第6期
P. 5
第 42 卷 第 6 期 Vol. 42, No. 6
2023 年 11 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics November, 2023
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
核级阀门唇焊焊缝熔深的超声检测方法 ∗
邓江勇 1 陈振华 2† 汤 恒 1 黄鑫章 2 卢 超 2
(1 广西防城港核电有限公司 防城港 538000)
(2 南昌航空大学无损检测技术教育部重点实验室 南昌 330063)
速。研究结果显示:通过水距修正可改善焊缝曲率半径变化对聚焦声场的不利影响,曲率半径 28.5 mm 时焦
区声压幅度仅下降 11%,基于特征脉冲时间间隔及声速修正可测定焊缝熔深;与金相试验对比,绝对误差小于
0.06 mm,满足核电阀门唇焊焊缝熔深测量的需求。
中图法分类号: TG115.28 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2023)06-1115-08
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.06.001
Ultrasonic testing method for weld penetration of nuclear-grade valve lip welds
DENG Jiangyong 1 CHEN Zhenhua 2 TANG Heng 1 HUANG Xinzhang 2 LU Chao 2
(1 Guangxi Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Fangchenggang 538000, China)
(2 Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing of Ministry of Education, Nanchang Hangkong University,
Nanchang 330063, China)
Abstract: The insufficient weld penetration of the lip welding of the nuclear power valve body may lead to
the unexpected fracture of the weld during the service period, and the fluid leakage caused by the fracture will
cause serious safety accidents. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out non-destructive penetration measurement
after the completion of the valve body welding. Aiming at the problems of poor acoustic coupling and difficulty
in weld penetration measurement of the rough and high-profile surface of lip welds, a lip weld penetration
measurement method based on ultrasonic water-jet focused testing technology is proposed. Firstly, the method
for measuring the weld penetration is proposed according to the structural characteristics of the lip welding
seam of nuclear power valve. Secondly, the finite element model of testing course is established to analyze the
influence of the curvature of the weld reinforcement on the sound focusing ability, and the water distance cor-
rection method is given to form a high-energy focused sound field within the penetration rang in the detection
of the weld with different reinforcement’s curvatures. Finally, the detection signal characteristics corresponding
2022-08-02 收稿; 2022-09-02 定稿
国家自然科学基金项目 (11664027), 广西防城港核电有限公司技术开发项目 (3100132784)
作者简介: 邓江勇 (1974– ), 男, 江西高安人, 本科, 高级工程师, 研究方向: 核电金属部件特殊焊接工艺、无损检测工艺及失效分析。
† 通信作者 E-mail: