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第 43 卷 第 6 期            张浩等: 某车型关门时安全带卷收器异响问题分析和优化                                         1235

                 (2) 卷收器单体噪声响应特性与激励频率具有                            rattle noise abatement in seatbelt retractor assembly[C].
             关联,在卷收器选型时应充分考虑。                                      Noise and Vibration Conference & Exposition, Michigan,
                 (3) 避免关门激励频率与卷收器单体特性的敏
                                                                 [6] Machens K U J, Neumann J, Scholz J, et al. Ball sen-
             感频率相近,可有效控制卷收器的噪声水平。                                  sor rattle: experimental and numerical sensitivity study
                                                                   for seatbelt applications[J]. The Journal of the Acoustical
                                                                   Society of America, 2017, 30(1): 3513–3513.
                            参 考     文   献                        [7] 赵淼淼. 汽车内饰材料吸音隔音性能的研究 [D]. 合肥: 安徽
                                                                   农业大学, 2010.
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                 究 [J]. 汽车零部件, 2019(5): 88–91.                     SVR 方法研究 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2021, 41(3): 145–150.
                 Zhu Wenbin, Xu Xiang, Tian Lin, et al. Research on  Huang Zehao, Chen Huayu, Zou Aihong, et al. Study on
                 abnormal sound of seat belt retractor in automobile[J].  MSA-SVR method for predicting the sound quality of ve-
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              [2] 马帅帅, 李广, 聂素祥, 等. 某乘用车前排安全带卷收器关门                  41(3): 145–150.
                 振响问题的研究 [J]. 汽车零部件, 2017(4): 16–19.             [9] 刘哲, 高云凯, 徐翔, 等. 车门玻璃下位振动传递路径建模及
                 Ma Shuaishuai, Li Guang, Nie Suxiang, et al. Research  优化分析 [J]. 振动测试与诊断, 2021, 41(1): 69–75.
                 on the vibration problem of front seat belt retractor in a  Liu Zhe, Gao Yunkai, Xu Xiang, et al. Transfer path
                 passenger car when closing the front door[J]. Automobile  modeling for door glass vibration and optimization anal-
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              [3] Guo Y, Gong X, Tu Z, et al. A systematic approach for  2021, 41(1): 69–75.
                 rattle problem detection and prevention of seat belt re-  [10] 申超, 彭宇明, 杨明亮, 等. 基于台架试验的汽车座椅异响评
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                 noise test correlation to 2DOF shaker test and real vehicle  search on the S & R evaluation method of automobile seats
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              [5] Liu K, de Vilbiss T, Freeman M. Experimental analysis of  2017, 37(3): 101–106.
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