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第 37 卷 第 5 期                                                                        Vol. 37, No.5
             2018 年 9 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                 September, 2018



                                                        杨士莪      †

                                            (哈尔滨工程大学水声工程学院         哈尔滨   150001)

                摘要 文中提出一种适用于深海条件下并已知各项有关环境参数时,利用七元小型矢量立体阵,借助测定目
                关键词 矢量立体阵,深海被动定位,射线声学
                中图法分类号: TB56           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2018)05-0588-05
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2018.05.001

                   Method of passive localization in deep sea by small vector sensor array

                                                       YANG Shie

                        (College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)

                 Abstract  In paper a method of passive positioning of target, using small 3-D vector sensor array composed
                 by seven sensors, had been proposed, which can be used in deep sea, provided the relevant environmental factors
                 are known. The method depends on measurements about zenith and azimuth of noise coming from target to
                 the array along different pathes, and the result can be given by means of geometric acoustics. In paper formulas
                 for beamforming of vector sensor array, when using method of multi-pole, are given, and analytic formulas for
                 result computation are also given as example for one simple hydrological model.
                 Key words Cubic vector sensor array, Passive positioning at deep sea, Geometric acoustics

             2018-05-14 收稿; 2018-06-25 定稿
             作者简介: 杨士莪 (1931- ), 男, 河南南阳人, 中国工程院院士, 教授, 研究方向: 水声工程。
             † 通讯作者 E-mail:
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