Page 43 - 应用声学2019年第5期
P. 43
第 38 卷 第 5 期 Vol. 38, No. 5
2019 年 9 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics September, 2019
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
轨道板中超声兰姆波传播的有限元计算和实验 ∗
朱文发 1† 孟翔震 1 张 辉 1 范国鹏 1 张海燕 2 张玉洁 1
(1 上海工程技术大学城市轨道交通学院 上海 201620)
(2 上海大学通信与信息工程学院 上海 200444)
摘要 该文针对我国高速铁路轨道板缺陷的非接触动态检测问题,研究了空气耦合超声兰姆波在轨道板中的
现象越明显,并且 A0 相速度收敛于 Rayleigh 波的波速。然后,建立轨道板中波传播的有限元模型,计算得到
兰姆波传播的群速度为 2220 m/s,且二维傅里叶变换系数的较大值沿 Rayleigh 波的频散曲线分布。最后,在
沪杭高铁嘉兴南站进行了现场测试,以 8.8 倾斜角向轨道板激励产生超声兰姆波,激发产生的兰姆波模态群
速度为 2325 m/s,且二维傅里叶变换分析其系数的较大值沿 Rayleigh 波的频散曲线分布。有限元计算结果和
关键词 超声兰姆波,轨道板,缺陷,传播规律
中图法分类号: O429 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2019)05-0795-06
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2019.05.006
Finite element calculation and experiment of ultrasonic Lamb wave
propagation in track slab
ZHU Wenfa 1 MENG Xiangzhen 1 ZHANG Hui 1 FAN Guopeng 1
ZHANG Haiyan 2 ZHANG Yujie 1
(1 School of Urban Railway Transportation, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China)
(2 School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)
Abstract In this paper, the propagation of ultrasonic Lamb waves in track plates is studied for the detection of
the defects of high-speed railway track plates in China. Firstly, the phase velocity and group velocity dispersion
curves of the ultrasonic Lamb waves in the track plate are given. The results show that as the frequency-
thickness product increases, the dispersion phenomenon becomes more obvious, and the A0 phase velocity
converges to the wave velocity of the Rayleigh waves. Then, the finite element model of wave propagation in
the track plate is established. The group velocity of the Lamb wave propagation is calculated to be 2220 m/s,
and the larger value of the two-dimensional Fourier transform coefficient is distributed along the dispersion
curve of the Rayleigh waves. Finally, a field test was carried out at the Jiaxing South Railway Station of
Shanghai-Hangzhou High-speed Railway. The ultrasonic Lamb wave was generated by excitation to the track
plate at an inclination angle of 8.8 . The group velocity of the Lamb waves generated by the excitation was
2325 m/s, and the two-dimensional Fourier transform analyzes the larger value of its coefficients along the
dispersion curve of the Rayleigh waves. The finite element calculation results and experimental results are
consistent with the theoretical calculation results. This study provides a theoretical basis and experimental
method for the non-contact dynamic detection of subsequent track plate void defects.
Key words Ultrasonic Lamb wave, Track slab, Defect, Propagation law
2019-05-02 收稿; 2019-07-16 定稿
国家自然科学基金项目 (11874255, 51978393), 上海市科委重点科技支撑项目 (16030501400)
作者简介: 朱文发 (1986- ), 男, 安徽滁州人, 博士, 研究方向: 信号与信息处理。
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