Page 120 - 《应用声学》2020年第5期
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第 39 卷 第 5 期                                                                       Vol. 39, No. 5
             2020 年 9 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                 September, 2020

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄

                基质刚性影响声孔效应介导的单细胞基因转染                                                                    ∗

                                              荣 宁 汪 曣 范真真                  †

                                          (天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院           天津   300072)

                摘要:为了深入理解基质的物理特性对单细胞基因转染的影响规律,实验研究了基质刚性对单细胞质粒 DNA
                转染效果的影响。实验采用高声压短脉冲 (0.45 MPa,10 µs) 条件的超声对培养在不同硬度凝胶基质 (软的凝
                胶基质:0.2 kPa,硬的凝胶基质:40 kPa) 上的力学敏感细胞 NIH 3T3 进行质粒 DNA 转染实验。实验结果表
                明,培养在硬的凝胶基质上的细胞,质粒 DNA 转染效率明显高于培养在软的凝胶基质上的细胞。进一步对质
                粒 DNA 进行荧光示踪可知培养在不同刚性基质上的细胞导入质粒 DNA 的方式不同。当细胞被培养在硬的
                凝胶基质上时,通过声致穿孔产生的小孔进入细胞内的质粒 DNA 更多,而培养在软的凝胶基质上的细胞,更
                多的质粒 DNA 可以通过非声致穿孔作用。细胞骨架蛋白分布规律表明,硬的凝胶基质上培养的细胞内有更多
                的 F 肌动蛋白微丝,可以更好地支撑起细胞的铺展形态,相对不容易发生内吞作用。而软的凝胶基质上培养的
                细胞内 F 肌动蛋白则更多以球形状态存在,细胞形貌骗向圆形,此时更容易发生胞吞作用。
                中图法分类号: O429           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2020)05-0762-07
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2020.05.015

                  Matrix rigidity affects sonoporation mediated gene delivery on single cell

                                         RONG Ning WANG Yan FAN Zhenzhen

                    (School of Precision Instruments and Opto-electronic Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
                 Abstract: In order to acquire a deep understanding of the influence of physical properties of the extracellular
                 matrix on single cell gene transfection, this research studies the effects of matrix rigidity on single-cell plasmid
                 DNA transfection. NIH 3T3 cells were cultured on hydrogels with different rigidities (soft gel substrate: 0.2 kPa,
                 hard gel substrate: 40 kPa), and a high-pressure short-pulse (0.45 MPa, 10 µs) ultrasound was used for gene
                 transfection experiment. The experimental results show that the plasmid DNA transfection efficiency of cells
                 cultured on a hard substrate is   significantly higher than that of cells cultured on a soft gel matrix. Further
                 fluorescence tracing of plasmid DNA shows that DNA can be intracellular uptake through separate ways for
                 cells cultured on substrates with different rigidities. When cells are cultured on a rigid substrate, more plasmids
                 enter the cytoplasm through cell membrane pores generated by sonoporation, while for cells cultured on a soft
                 substrate, more plasmid DNA can be intracellular uptake through other ways. More F-actin microfilaments in
                 cells cultured on rigid substrate supported the spreading morphology, while F-actin turned out to be clusters
                 in cells on soft substrate which made it much easier for endocytosis.
                 Keywords: Matrix rigidity; Ultrasound; Microbubble; Gene transfection

             2019-11-27 收稿; 2020-03-31 定稿
             国家自然科学基金项目 (11874280), 中国科学院声学研究所声场与声信息国家重点实验室重点项目 (SKLA201910), 天津市自然科学
             基金项目 (19JCZDJC33600)
             作者简介: 荣宁 (1988– ), 女, 河北沧州人, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 超声药物导入。
             † 通信作者 E-mail:
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