Page 150 - 《应用声学》2021年第3期
P. 150
第 40 卷 第 3 期 Vol. 40, No. 3
2021 年 5 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics May, 2021
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
应用声信号特征识别车辆车型及车速范围 ∗
赵佳美 户文成 † 蒋从双 曾 宇 姚 琨
(北京市劳动保护科学研究所 北京 100054)
中将主成分分析方法和 BP 神经网络算法结合 (PCA-BP) 对车型与车速进行识别分析,对比了与 BP 神经网
络算法识别速度的差异。结果表明应用 PCA-BP 方法的识别效果整体较好,且在识别过程中可以节省计算时
长的 50% ∼ 70% 左右,大大提高了识别速度。在未来的车辆识别系统实现中,可以在保证良好识别效果的前
关键词:车辆声信号;PCA-BP 方法;车型分类识别;车速分类识别
中图法分类号: O429 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2021)03-0468-06
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2021.03.019
The vehicle type and speed recognition based on acoustic signal characteristics
ZHAO Jiamei HU Wencheng JIANG Congshuang ZENG Yu YAO Kun
(Beijing Municipal Institute of Labour Protection, Beijing 100054, China)
Abstract: The existed research is mainly related to the vehicle type recognition, the recognition of speed-range
of vehicles is proposed in this paper. The paper integrates principal component analysis (PCA) with BP to
analyze the recognition of speed-range of vehicles, also compares PCA to BP in differences of recognition-speed.
The results demonstrate that PCA-BP method is good, and it boosts speed of recognition by 50%–70%. Thus
transmission efficiency of both hardware and software can be improved prominently by this method and also
saving recognition time based on good quality of vehicle recognition in the future.
Keywords: : Vehicle acoustic signal; PCA-BP method; Vehicle type recognition; Vehicle speed recognition
2020-07-12 收稿; 2020-12-09 定稿
北京市科学技术研究院改革发展培育项目 (PY2020AQ02)
作者简介: 赵佳美 (1994– ), 女, 内蒙古赤峰人, 硕士, 研究方向: 噪声与振动控制。
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