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第 41 卷 第 5 期                 李楠等: 电力变压器绕组振动声纹特性分析                                           793

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                 hai Electric Power University, 2020, 36(5): 495–499.  的变压器铁芯夹件松动故障声纹模式识别 [J]. 华北电力大学
              [5] 邹德旭, 陈宇民, 钱国超, 等. 一起带平衡绕组的 220 kV 主变             学报 (自然科学版), 2020, 47(6): 52–60, 67.
                 损坏案例分析 [J]. 变压器, 2019, 56(9): 78–79.              Liu Yunpeng, Luo Shihao, Wang Bowen, et al. Voiceprint
                 Zou Dexu, Chen Yumin, Qian Guochao, et al. A damage  pattern recognition of transformer core clip loose fault
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                 windings[J]. Transformer, 2019, 56(9): 78–79.     work[J]. Journal of North China Electric Power University
              [6] 刘云鹏, 王博闻, 周旭东, 等. 基于 162 台超、特高压变压器的              (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 47(6): 52–60, 67.
                 声纹特征预警阈值划定研究 [J]. 华北电力大学学报 (自然科学               [13] 刘云鹏, 王博闻, 岳浩天, 等. 基于 50 Hz 倍频倒谱系数与门
                 版), 2021, 48(5): 45–53.                           控循环单元的变压器偏磁声纹识别 [J]. 中国电机工程学报,
                 Liu Yunpeng, Wang Bowen, Zhou Xudong, et al. Research  2020, 40(14): 4681–4694, 4746.
                 on the early warning threshold of voiceprint characteristics  Liu Yunpeng, Wang Bowen, Yue Haotian, et al. Trans-
                 based on 162 ultra-high voltage transformers[J]. Journal of  former biasing voiceprint recognition based on 50 Hz dou-
                 North China Electric Power University (Natural Science  ble frequency cepstrum coefficient and gated loop unit[J].
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              [7] 李鹏, 毕建刚, 于浩, 等. 变电设备智能传感与状态感知技术                  ing, 2020, 40(14): 4681–4694, 4746.
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                 Li Peng, Bi Jiangang, Yu Hao, et al. Intelligent sensing  鲸鱼算法优化随机森林的干式变压器机械故障声音诊断 [J].
                 and state perception technology and application of substa-  电力自动化设备, 2020, 40(8): 191–196, 224, 197–199.
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                 3097–3113.                                        former mechanical fault sound diagnosis based on Gam-
              [8] 胡静竹, 刘涤尘, 廖清芬, 等. 基于有限元法的变压器电磁振                  matone filter cepstrum coefficients and whale algorithm
                 动噪声分析 [J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(15): 81–88.           optimization random forest[J]. Electric Power Automation
                 Hu Jingzhu, Liu Dichen, Liao Qingfen, et al. Analysis  Equipment, 2020, 40(8): 191–196, 224, 197–199.
                 of transformer electromagnetic vibration and noise based  [15] 王丰华, 段若晨, 耿超, 等. 基于 “磁 –机械” 耦合场理论的电
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              [9] 孙涛, 裴春明, 胡静竹, 等. 特高压变压器噪声源模型及仿真                  Wang Fenghua, Duan Ruochen, Geng Chao, et al. Re-
                 分析 [J]. 高电压技术, 2014, 40(9): 2750–2756.            search on the vibration characteristics of power trans-
                 Sun Tao, Pei Chunming, Hu Jingzhu, et al. UHV trans-  former windings based on the “magnetic-mechanical” cou-
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