Page 218 - 《应用声学》2023年第2期
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第 42 卷 第 2 期                                                                       Vol. 42, No. 2
             2023 年 3 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                    March, 2023

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄

                          纵-扭谐振超声滚压系统设计与试验                                                    ∗

                                                   吴豪琼     †   高志强

                                              (河南工学院机械工程学院        新乡   453000)
                摘要:为实现 6061 铝合金高效优质表面强化,采用有限元仿真法优化设计了阶梯型纵 -扭谐动变幅杆,设计、
                制造了一套纵 -扭超声滚压试验装置。纵 -扭谐动通过检测变幅杆输出端纵向、扭转两个方向的振幅间接验证。
                进行超声滚压试验,结果表明:相比普通滚压加工,纵 -扭谐振超声滚压过试件表层显微硬度最高提高了 41%;
                部变化整体减小的趋势,随着进给量的增大先增大后减小的现象;相比普通滚压加工,纵 -扭谐振超声滚压过
                的工件表面组织更细密光滑,滚痕由于扭振的高频反复挤压明显减少,形貌得到了较大改善,从而证明纵 -扭
                超声滚压加工能更有效的实现 6061 铝合金的强化处理。
                关键词:纵 -扭谐振;超声;滚压;正交试验
                中图法分类号: TB332           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2023)02-0406-10
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.02.025

                     Longitudinal-torsional resonant ultrasonic rolling system design and

                                                  enhancement test

                                              WU Haoqiong GAO Zhiqiang

                           (School of Mechanical Engineering, Henan Insititute of Technology, Xinxiang 453000, China)
                 Abstract: In order to achieve 6061 aluminium alloy high efficiency and high quality surface strengthening, a
                 stepped longitudinal-torsional harmonic horn is designed by means of simulation in this paper, a set of experi-
                 mental equipment for longitudinal-torsional ultrasonic rolling is designed and manufactured. The longitudinal
                 and torsional resonance is verified indirectly by detecting the output end amplitude of the horn in longitu-
                 dinal and torsional directions. The ultrasonic rolling test of 6061 aluminium alloy bar was carried out, the
                 results show that compared with common rolling process, the microhardness of longitudinal torsional resonant
                 ultrasonic rolling specimen is increased by 41%; In the range of the selected parameters, the microhardness
                 of the surface increases locally with the increase of static pressure and decreases locally with the increase of
                 rotating speed, with the increase of feed, it increases first and then decreases; Compared with common rolling
                 process, the surface structure of workpiece rolled by longitudinal torsional resonant ultrasonic rolling is finer
                 and smoother. It is demonstrated that the longitudinal-torsional ultrasonic rolling process can realize the
                 strengthening treatment of 6061 aluminum alloy more effectively
                 Keywords: Longitudinal-torsional resonance; Ultrasound; Roll; Orthogonal test

             2022-08-01 收稿; 2022-12-25 定稿
             国家自然科学基金项目 (51005071), 河南省科技攻关项目 (212102210367, 222102220026), 河南省高校重点科研项目计划项目
             (22B460004), 新乡市机电产品数字化设计与制造重点实验室项目
             作者简介: 吴豪琼 (1986– ), 男, 河南新乡人, 硕士, 讲师, 研究方向: 超声加工。
             † 通信作者 E-mail:
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