Page 107 - 《应用声学》2024年第6期
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第 43 卷 第 6 期                                                                       Vol. 43, No. 6
             2024 年 11 月                         Journal of Applied Acoustics                 November, 2024

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄

                基于兰姆波的平板频分复用数据传输系统研究                                                                    ∗

                                       徐 统    1   吴 斌     2   刘秀成     2   高 翔    2†

                                            (1 北京工业大学材料与制造学部        北京   100124)
                                              (2 北京工业大学信息学部       北京   100124)
                中图法分类号: TB551; TG11528           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2024)06-1283-14
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2024.06.011

                  The flat panel frequency division multiplexing data transmission system
                                                based on Lamb waves

                                   XU Tong  1  WU Bin 2   LIU Xiucheng 2   GAO Xiang 2

                       (1 Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)
                         (2 Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)

                 Abstract: Realization of data communication on a flat plate by using Lamb waves as a carrier has the advan-
                 tages of long transmission distance, low cost of use and high reliability, and can realize non-electromagnetic
                 wave communication under the condition of ensuring structural integrity. This paper establishes a general
                 model of Lamb wave frequency division multiplexing (FDM) emission signal in a flat panel and analyzes the
                 construction rules of Lamb wave FDM emission signal. Firstly, the existing sensor sweep experiment is carried
                 out to determine the Lamb wave excitation band; secondly, the influence of the plate length on the excitation
                 signal duration is analyzed according to the flat plate material parameter, size parameter and sensor position
                 information, and the number of subcarriers and their center frequency of frequency division multiplexing
                 excitation signal are obtained; finally, the amplitude information in the signal spectrum is extracted by using
                 the Gerzel algorithm, and the signal spectrum is compensated using the sensor sweep curve to reduce the
                 frequency-selective attenuation of the subcarrier frequency band during transmission. The transducers are

             2023-08-07 收稿; 2023-09-29 定稿
             国家自然科学基金项目 (12272014, 12004018, 12122201)
             作者简介: 徐统 (1995– ), 男, 山东淄博人, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 无损检测。
             † 通信作者 E-mail:
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