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第 44 卷 第 1 期                   张楠等: 检测声学成像原理与技术综述                                            35

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                 focusing imaging for defect detection in highly attenuative  焦 [J]. 物理实验, 2023, 43(10): 1–16.
                 materials using quasi-static components of ultrasonic lon-  Zhu Xuefeng, Chen Zhuo, Zeng Longsheng, et al. Super-
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                 cessing, 2025, 222: 111815.                       Physics Experimentation, 2023, 43(10): 1–16.
             [110] 衡佳鸣, 王宁浩, 董凤林, 等. 基于深度学习的超声成像技术             [114] 李卫彬, 项延训, 邓明晰. 超声兰姆波二次谐波发生效应
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                 Heng Jiaming, Wang Ninghao, Dong Fenglin, et al. Re-  583–596.
                 search status of deep learning based ultrasonic imaging[J].  Li Weibin, Xiang Yanxun, Deng Mingxi.  Advances in
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                 compressed sensing[J]. Measurement & Control Technol-  Teng Da, Liu Zhiyong, Liu Lishuai, et al. Nonlinear ultra-
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             [112] 孟德世, 李丽君, 李敏. 声学超材料的结构设计概述 [J]. 功能              location detection[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering,
                 材料与器件学报, 2021, 27(2): 67–76.                      2024, 60: 1–10.
                 Meng Deshi, Li Lijun, Li Min. Structural design of acous-
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