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第 39 卷 第 6 期                                                                       Vol. 39, No. 6
             2020 年 11 月                         Journal of Applied Acoustics                 November, 2020

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄

                             微织构超声振动铣削系统的研究                                               ∗

                                             唐 军    1†   陈小静     1   赵 波     2

                                              (1 新乡学院机电工程学院       新乡   453003)
                                          (2 河南理工大学机械与动力工程学院          焦作   454000)

                摘要:为了在金属切削过程中在 7075 铝合金表面形成稳定的微织构以提高其服役性能,提出一种微织构超声
                测试,结果表明:工件表面形成的 “鱼鳞网纹” 微观织构能够改变其润湿性能。
                中图法分类号: TH113.1; TB559; O242.21         文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2020)06-0885-09
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2020.06.011

                     A research on the micro texture ultrasonic vibration milling system

                                        TANG Jun   1  CHEN Xiaojing 1  ZHAO Bo  2

                      (1 Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xinxiang University, Xinxiang 453003, China)

                      (2 School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China)

                 Abstract: In order to form stable micro texture on the surface of 7075 aluminum alloy and improve its
                 services performance during metal cutting, the micro texture ultrasonic milling process is proposed. Therefore,
                 based on the principle of motion synthesis, the characteristics of tool tip motion trajectory and the micro
                 morphology of the work-piece surface were obtained. Then, based on the equivalent circuit principle and
                 transmission matrix method, the frequency equation of the longitudinal-torsional composite ultrasonic milling
                 system was established and the accurate numerical solution was obtained by the Newton iteration method,
                 and the longitudinal-torsional composite vibration was realized. After that, the model analysis and dynamic
                 characteristics analysis of ultrasonic vibration system were carried out by the finite element software. Finally,
                 the vibration test, cutting force test and the machining test of the micro texture longitudinal-torsional composite
                 ultrasonic milling system were carried out. The results show that the fishscale texture formed on the surface
                 of the workpiece could change its wettability.
                 Keywords: Microtextue; Longitudinal-torsional composite vibration; Transfer matrix; Finite element analysis

             2020-07-23 收稿; 2020-09-11 定稿
             河南省高等学校重点科研项目 (18A460029), 国家自然科学基金项目 (51475148)
             作者简介: 唐军 (1982– ), 男, 河南新乡人, 博士, 研究方向: 精密超精密加工技术及装备。
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