Page 66 - 《应用声学》2022年第3期
P. 66
第 41 卷 第 3 期 Vol. 41, No. 3
2022 年 5 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics May, 2022
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
基于压缩感知估计的GIS击穿放电定位方法研究 ∗
季怡萍 1 田昊洋 1 高 凯 1 周谷亮 1 王 枭 2† 任茂鑫 1
(1 国网上海市电力公司上海电科院 上海 200437)
(2 上海睿深电子科技有限公司 上海 200237)
摘要:经典的空间谱估计方法,如多重信号分离 (MUSIC) 方法,对噪声敏感,难以在低信噪比环境中有效地
进行波达方向估计。为提升在复杂电力环境中的气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备 (GIS) 击穿定位能力,该文提出
了一种基于极化内插的压缩感知波达方向估计方法 CSP-DOA。该方法对传声器阵列接收到的数据进行建模,
果进行了分析,仿真结果表明 CSP-DOA 方法对于击穿信号有更好的定位效果。结合可见光图像匹配实现了
GIS 击穿信源的二维可视化定位,在某高压大厅的 GIS 模型上进行耐压击穿定位试验研究,试验结果进一步
验证了该文方法可较好的应用于 GIS 的击穿定位。
关键词:声学检测;击穿定位;波达方向估计;GIS 设备;压缩感知
中图法分类号: TM595 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2022)03-0388-09
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2022.03.008
GIS breakdown discharge location method based on compressed sensing estimation
JI Yiping 1 TIAN Haoyang 1 GAO Kai 1 ZHOU Guliang 1 WANG Xiao 2 REN Maoxin 1
(1 State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Research Institute, Shanghai 200437, China)
(2 Shanghai Ruishen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200237, China)
Abstract: Classical spatial spectrum estimation methods, such as multiple signal classification (MUSIC),
are sensitive to noise and difficult to estimate the direction of arrival (DOA) effectively in low signal-noise
ratio (SNR) environment. In order to improve the ability of the gas insulated switchgear (GIS) breakdown
location in complex power environment, this paper proposes a spatial spectrum estimation method CSP-DOA
based on optimized compressed sensing technology. In this method, the data received by the microphone
array are modeled to form a multi measurement vector model, and the DOA is estimated by combining sparse
reconstruction technology in compressed sensing. At the same time, polarization interpolation technology is
used to solve the problem of sparsity grid in sparse reconstruction, which further improves the accuracy and
efficiency of DOA estimation. The simulation results show that CSP-DOA method has better positioning effect
for breakdown signal. Combined with the visible light image matching, the two-dimensional visual location of
GIS breakdown source is realized. The experimental research on breakdown location is carried out on the GIS
model of a high voltage hall. The experimental results further verify that the method can be better applied to
the breakdown location of GIS.
Keywords: Acoustic detection; Positioning of breakdown; Direction of arrival estimation; Gas insulated
switchgear; Compressive sensing
2021-05-17 收稿; 2021-09-07 定稿
国网上海市电力公司项目 (520940190075)
作者简介: 季怡萍 (1993– ), 女, 江苏常熟人, 本科, 研究方向: 输变电设备状态评价技术。
† 通信作者 E-mail: