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高后的效果,目标信息更新时间由一个发射周期缩 ference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Xi’an, China,
短为单个子信号的时长。本文提出的正交多相码连 2017.
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混响背景下的单目标检测能力方面,具有明显效果。 [15] Hines P C, Murphy S M, Hicks K T. Comparison of signal
coherence for continuous active and pulsed active sonar
measurements in littoral waters[J]. The Journal of the
当存在多目标或者非均匀混响时,临近强干扰、强 Acoustical Society of America, 2014, 136(4): 2226.
散射区域 (如非均匀、起伏的海底) 所形成的相干函 [16] Hines P C, Hicks K T, Murphy S M, et al. Measurements
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a shallow water channel[C]// 2015 Oceans, Genoa, Italy,
对弱目标的检测产生干扰,影响 CAS 的性能。未来 2015.
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一步开展研究。 tinuous active sonar signals in shallow water[C]// 2015
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