Page 83 - 《应用声学》2022年第6期
P. 83
第 41 卷 第 6 期 Vol. 41, No. 6
2022 年 11 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics November, 2022
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
一种抗干扰变电站1/3倍频程噪声测量方法 ∗
卢 铃 1,2† 蔡 炜 3 曹 浩 1,2 武帅兵 4 吴 鸣 4 彭继文 1,2
(1 国网湖南省电力有限公司电力科学研究院 长沙 410007)
(2 国网电力设施噪声与振动实验室 长沙 410007)
(3 国网湖南省电力有限公司娄底供电分公司 娄底 417000)
(4 中科传启 (苏州) 科技有限公司 苏州 215010)
最小值控制递归平均算法实时估计每个时频点变电站噪声存在概率,再综合成每个 1/3 倍频程中外界干扰信
号存在概率;对干扰信号存在的 1/3 倍频程,不进行 1/3 倍频程噪声更新,从而避免外界干扰信号对变电站噪
关键词:变电站;噪声;1/3 倍频程测量;抗干扰;最小值控制递归平均算法
中图法分类号: TB535.2 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2022)06-0929-09
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2022.06.010
An anti-interference measurement method of 1/3 octave band noise in substation
LU Ling 1,2 CAI Wei 3 CAO Hao 1,2 WU Shuaibing 4 WU Ming 4 PENG Jiwen 1,2
(1 State Grid Changsha Power Company, Changsha 410007, China)
(2 State Grid Laboratory of Electric Equipment Noise and Vibration Research, Changsha 410007, China)
(3 State Grid Hunan Loudi Power Supply Company, Loudi 417000, China)
(4 Sensed (Suzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou 215010, China)
Abstract: An implementation method of anti-interference substation noise measurement system is proposed
to avoid being affected by external interference. The minimum control recursive average algorithm is used to
estimate the existence probability of substation noise at each frequency bin in real time, and then integrate
it into 1/3 octave band. For the 1/3 octave band where the interference signal exists, no noise update is
performed, so as to avoid the influence of interference signal on the noise measurement. The simulation results
demonstrate that this method can effectively reduce the impact of transient interference on substation noise.
Keywords: Substation; Noise; 1/3 octave band measurement; Anti-interference; Minimum control recursive
average algorithm
2021-08-29 收稿; 2022-03-07 定稿
国家电网公司科技项目 (5216A520000L)
作者简介: 卢铃 (1988– ), 男, 湖北黄冈人, 博士, 高级工程师, 研究方向: 电力设施噪声与振动控制, 监测与诊断技术。
† 通信作者 E-mail: