Page 145 - 《应用声学》2023年第2期
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第 42 卷 第 2 期                                                                       Vol. 42, No. 2
             2023 年 3 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                    March, 2023

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄

                                 北京城市公园冬季声景特征                                         ∗

                                   白梓彤 王 成           †   赵伊琳 孙振凯 殷鲁秦

                               (中国林业科学研究院林业研究所         国家林业和草原局城市森林研究中心           北京  100091)

                化基本特征,根据地图 “十字型” 筛选 10 个城市公园,记录分析绿地内冬季声景的构成情况和昼夜变化规律。
                在于清晨 6:00–7:00 时,在昼间的波动变化明显,于夜间趋于稳定,生物声峰值出现在上午 8:00–9:00 时,谷值出
                现在凌晨 3:00 时左右;人工声与公园面积、公园年龄和时刻变化未见显著相关性,生物声与公园面积呈显著负
                中图法分类号: S732           文献标识码: A         文章编号: 1000-310X(2023)02-0333-07
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.02.016

                         Soundscape characteristics of urban park in winter in Beijing

                           BAI Zitong   WANG Cheng      ZHAO Yilin    SUN Zhenkai    YIN Luqin

                   (Urban Forest Research Center, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Research Institute of Forestry,
                                         Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China)

                 Abstract: The cold and dry winter climate in the Beijing area leads to a decrease in vegetation depression.
                 Geophony increases and biophony decreases in winter. In order to detect the basic characteristics of winter
                 soundscape changes in Beijing, 10 city parks were screened according to the ”cross-shaped” map, and the
                 composition of winter soundscape and diurnal changes in green areas were recorded and analyzed. The results
                 reveal that: There are more anthrophony in the winter soundscape of urban parks, and the biophony are
                 significantly less than in other seasons. At the same time, the anthrophony are less in the daytime than
                 the nighttime, while the biophony are more in the daytime. According to the classification of anthrophony
                 sources, mechanical and electronic sounds are the most frequent in winter, followed by speech sounds and
                 activity sounds; The peak of anthrophony in winter generally exists in the early morning at 6:00–7:00 a.m.,
                 and the fluctuation changes significantly in the daytime, while becomes stable in the night. The peak of
                 biophony occurred at 8:00–9:00 a.m., and the trough occurred around 3:00 a.m.; No significant correlation was
                 found between anthrophony and park area, park age and momentary change, and biophony was significantly
                 negatively correlated with park area. The winter soundscape was discovered to be notably different from other
                 seasons in the trials, and the rhythmic changes of organisms lead to more significant changes in the winter
                 Keywords: Urban park; Soundscape; Anthrophony; Winter; Habitat

             2022-06-07 收稿; 2022-09-20 定稿
             ∗ 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金经费项目 (CAFYBB2020ZB008)
             作者简介: 白梓彤 (1996– ), 女, 辽宁沈阳人, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 声音景观, 城市生态学。
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