Page 246 - 《应用声学》2023年第2期
P. 246
第 42 卷 第 2 期 Vol. 42, No. 2
2023 年 3 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics March, 2023
⋄ 综述 ⋄
金属增材制件的超声无损检测与评价研究进展 ∗
付 磊 1,2 韩 军 2† 龙晋桓 2
(1 福州大学先进制造学院 泉州 362000)
(2 中国科学院海西研究院泉州装备制造研究中心 泉州 362000)
检测 3 个方面,重点论述了超声检测技术在金属增材制件缺陷检测领域的应用现状;提出基于超声检测技术无
中图法分类号: TB553 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2023)02-0434-09
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.02.028
Applicationof ultrasonic nondestructive testing and evaluation on
metal additive manufacture parts
FU Lei 1,2 HAN Jun 2 LONG Jinhuan 2
(1 School of Advanced Manufacturing, Fuzhou University, Quanzhou 362000, China)
(2 Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Quanzhou 362000, China)
Abstract: Metal additive manufacture (MAM) parts are gradually applied in aerospace, nuclear power
and other key fields, timely acquiring defects and microstructure information is of great significance to
improve the manufacturing process and ensure the product quality and reliability of corresponding equipment.
However, the special manufacturing process leads to the coarse grains, complex anisotropy and serious acoustic
attenuation in the MAM parts, which brings great challenges to ultrasonic testing(UT). The common defect
types and microstructure characteristics of MAM parts are briefly introduced. The UT application status in
defect detection of MAM parts is reviewed from three aspects: immersion UT, phased array UT and laser UT.
The principles and evaluationmodel of nondestructive evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties
2021-12-07 收稿; 2022-02-21 定稿
中国科学院对外重点合作项目 (121835KYSB20180062), 福建省科技计划项目 (2019T3025), 科技厅福建省中科院 STS 计划配套项目
(2021T3060), 闽都创新实验室主任基金项目 (2021ZR107), 泉州市科技计划项目 (2021C063L)
作者简介: 付磊 (1998– ), 男, 湖南永州人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 超声无损检测技术。
† 通信作者 E-mail: