Page 158 - 《应用声学》2023年第3期
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第 42 卷 第 3 期                                                                       Vol. 42, No. 3
             2023 年 5 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                      May, 2023

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄


                              徐 猛     †  赵 帅 袁细祥 李 建 石计红 曲秀兰

                                             (北京汽车研究总院有限公司         北京  101300)

                摘要:针对整车控制参数引发的车辆异响问题,介绍了一种基于整车控制参数与 NVH 数据同步采集的分析
                方法,通过采用数据协议和格式的双转换,实现了整车/发动机控制参数和整车 NVH 测试数据的同步采集,并
                通过控制参数和 NVH 信号的时域相关性分析,快速准确地定位异响原因。通过底盘冲击异响、涡轮气流异响、
                整车换挡抖动异响 3 个案例,介绍了整车控制参数同步采集在工程中的实际应用,快速准确地识别异响原因,
                中图法分类号: TB534+.1           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2023)03-0596-08
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.03.018

                 Identification and analysis method of abnormal sound of vehicle based on
                             synchronous acquisition of vehicle control parameters

                       XU Meng     ZHAO Shuai    YUAN Xixiang     LI Jian  SHI Jihong    QU Xiulan

                                  (Beijing Automotive Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 101300, China)

                 Abstract: For the abnormal noise caused by vehicle control parameters, a kind of analysis method based on
                 synchronous acquisition of vehicle control parameters and NVH data is introduced. Through the adoption of
                 the double conversion method for protocol and data format, it has realized the synchronous data acquisition
                 of the vehicle/engine control parameters and NVH testing data to complete the control parameters and NVH
                 signal correlation analysis of time domain. The cause of NVH problem can be quickly and accurately located.
                 Through the chassis impact abnormal sound, turbine airflow abnormal sound, vehicle shift jitter three cases.
                 The practical application of vehicle control parameters synchronous acquisition in engineering is introduced.
                 Quickly and accurately identify the cause of abnormal sound, verification of optimization results was completed.
                 The paper provides a new method and idea for the cause and control of abnormal sound.
                 Keywords: Vehicle abnormal sound; Vehicle control parameters; Data synchronous acquisition; Correlation

             2022-07-08 收稿; 2022-09-20 定稿
             作者简介: 徐猛 (1982– ), 男, 河北河间人, 博士, 研究方向: 车辆 NVH 性能优化与控制。
             † 通信作者 E-mail:
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