Page 134 - 《应用声学》2023年第6期
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第 42 卷 第 6 期                                                                       Vol. 42, No. 6
             2023 年 11 月                         Journal of Applied Acoustics                 November, 2023

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄

                菲涅尔透镜聚焦声泳打印装置设计及实验研究                                                                    ∗

                                 舒霞云      1,2,3†   欧阳丽     1,2   常雪峰      4    徐 钢    1,2

                                          (1 厦门理工学院机械与汽车工程学院          厦门   361024)
                                   (2 精密驱动与传动福建省高校重点实验室 (厦门理工学院)             厦门   361024)
                                        (3 厦门市智能制造高端装备研究重点实验室           厦门   361024)
                                          (4 集美大学海洋装备与机械工程学院          厦门   361024)
                的聚乙二醇溶液的喷射以及 UV 胶的喷射。实验结果表明:该微滴喷射系统能产生一致性较好的微滴,喷印出
                的微透镜尺寸波动范围在 2% 以内,证明了该装置的稳定性以及实现了不同材料微滴喷射的可行性。
                中图法分类号: TB559           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2023)06-1244-12
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.06.017

              Design and experimental study of acoustophoretic printing using fresnel lenses

                             SHU Xiayun  1,2,3  OU Yangli 1,2  CHANG Xuefeng 4   XU Gang  1,2

                    (1 School of Mechanical & Automation Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China)
                 (2 Key Laboratory of Precision Actuation & Transmission, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China)
                          (3 Xiamen Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment, Xiamen 361024, China)
                      (4 College of Marine Equipment and Mechanical Engineering, Jimei University, Xiamen 361024, China)

                 Abstract: An acoustophoretic printing device based on Fresnel lens has been designed to address the existing
                 problem that inkjet printing technology needs to be customized according to the properties of the material.
                 The device consists of an ultrasonic generator, an ultrasonic transducer, a Fresnel lens and a liquid supply
                 system. Firstly, multi-physics field coupling simulation software is used to simulate the drop process of droplets
                 under the action of acoustic radiation force, and the influence of factors such as the distance from the nozzle to
                 the substrate, the thickness of the Fresnel lens and the different boundaries of the substrate on the sound field
                 pressure distribution, as well as the sound field pressure, nozzle and other factors are analyzed. Influence of
                 diameter and material viscosity on droplet ejection process. Secondly, the constructed acoustophoresis printing
                 device was used to carry out the spray droplet experiment. By adjusting the output power of the ultrasonic

             2022-07-20 收稿; 2022-09-20 定稿
             国家自然科学基金项目 (51975501)
             作者简介: 舒霞云 (1979– ), 男, 湖南双峰人, 博士, 研究方向: 增材制造。
             † 通信作者 E-mail:
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